The school

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Marco and Star stood in front of a group of kids on their second day of being on earth and they were currently getting a variety of looks ranging from puppy love to the look one would have given to a weirdo however Star was ignorant to all of it and just smiled and waved at everyone.

Marco however gave a slight glare to those who he believed deserved it while also smiling at the rest of the class.

The old teacher just droned on with the common student introductions before telling them to go sit down at the empty desks scattered around the room.

Marco took a moment before settling on a seat near the window and Star simple followed him as she was still busy looking around the room.

Marco like Star didn't pay any attention to the class but instead of focussing on people and objects Marco stared at the clouds, the clumps of pure white were very different from the mass of dark grey ash clouds or acid rain clouds.

This pointless staring continued until the lunch bell rang which snapped both other worldly kids from thier staring.

The bell was loud and severed it purpose well as everyone minus the two and the teacher were gone leaving the room almost empty.

So Star ever curious got up and took off to follow and she of course grabbed Marco poor boy didn't know what was going on until they stopped at the lunch line.

Marco took a moment to look around before speaking "So when its lunchtime you come here to get food?"

Star nodded "It seems so....though i am not sure some of this could be considered food" said star staring at a mass of brown goo (gravy) before getting a trey and following the line

After both star and marco got thier food they walked to an empty table and sat down but almost as soon as they did too boys popped up at their table one overweight and the other a twig.

The two began swamping star with questions ranging from where she was from to if she had a boyfriend much to the girl's confusion and after a moment marco gave up on trying to eat it was hard to hear that babble and eat so he looked up and spoke a slight growl in his voice "please leave your interrupting our lunch."
Star sent him a thankful look but the boys sent him a death glare "Oh and who are you supposed to be?" Said the skinny one.

Marco returned their glare not breaking it as he brought up his hand and put it in a snapping position "five seconds to leave." Stated marco.

Marco watched as the two laughed counting down to 0 before snapping and in that moment a fire sparked to life on the boys' pants it took a few seconds but the boys began running trying to put out the flames leaving marco and star to finally start eating in peace.

Marco looked to Star whom gave him a thankful look again and began eating.

After school

Star and Marco began making their way to their shared home until a portal opened in front of them and a small group of monsters came out smallest one was wearing a skull of some sort.

The small monster suddenly spoke "i am the great Ludo future leader of monster kind!"

Star raised an eyebrow before replying "i am star princess of mewni...why are you here?"

Ludo puffed up his chest and spoke "i am here to liberate that wand from you and then with the wands power i will be unstoppable!"

Marco turned to star a small pleading look in his eyes "may i deal with them?"

Star raised an eyebrow before replaying "are you sure you can take them all on marco?"

Marco gave a smile in response so star  nodded in response before saying "ok just don't be late for dinner i heard we were having chicken." As star spoke she began walking away ignoring ludo as he ranted at her for ignoring.

Marco took a moment before turning to the monsters and pulled his book from his bag flipping through it as the monster began rushing forwards before his hand lit up with green fire and he spoke "crimson hands of binding!"

Marco the slammed his hand into the ground spawning many red hands which began grabbing and restraining the monsters as a dark smile grew on Marco's face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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