Chapter One - A Warning

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Author's Note:

<Has been edited>

I have been going through the editing process. If there are any grammar issues, please let me know :)   (Oh, and for some reason the indenting thing on here won't work for me :P  ) 

This story I had thought of about two years ago I guess. Just a random idea that I kept building on.

A lot of people don't like fantasy, but this may surprise you..



This book/story and all of it's sequels belong to me, thevelvetrose (Currie) and any unauthorized copying, fan-fictions, use of ANY of my material, or anything like that is infridgement. All rights reserved. 

Currie (thevelvetrose) ©


       My name is Samantha Ann Peters. I’m eighteen and live in Illinois with my single mother, Susan. I have a story to tell, and this is how it goes… 

Chapter One

A Warning...

My mom sat in front of the television, watching the news late Tuesday night. She has been doing this a lot lately; it has been worrying me. She doesn’t normally get obsessed with little things like this. She has been practically glued to the television screen, I didn’t know why though.

 "Mom, where is the peanut butter?" I asked while roaming through the kitchen cabinets.

She didn’t respond, or even flinch at my voice.

“Mom?” I walked over to her slowly, not wanting to startle her.

She stared at the screen with wide open, pale green eyes, that were identical to mine. I sat next to her and looked at the screen. I hated the news so much because all it is is about bad things that are happening; traffic accidents, robberies and, even murders.

“Mom!” I shouted to get her attention.

She jumped and looked at me like an explosion had just happened. 

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“People are coming up missing.” She turned back to the screen.

“Who?” Is it someone I know? I wondered distraughtly. She was practically glued to the television. 

“About ninety people this month. They were just... Gone.” She ran her fingers nervously through her short brown hair.

“Where were they from?” I wondered.

I mean, what is she getting so worked up about? People come up missing all the time…

“All over the world… they were only girls. They said their age is from sixteen to twenty-five... Honey? Do me a favor and bring something with you for protection.”

“Mom,” I complained. That’s just like her. I’m not bringing a baseball bat everywhere I go.

“Please?” she begged. I stared into her big green eyes.

“Fine, I doubt anything is going to happen...” I muttered. “Where’s the peanut butter?”

“It’s in the cabinet above the coffee maker.”

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