Chapter 8- Welcome Back, Hospital

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After jungkook's sudden loss of consciousness, taehyung took him to the hospital immediately. He carried him to his car and drove in full speed, giving zero fucks about the cars he accidentally hit, or the fact that he was driving when the red light was on. That's how scared and worried he was.

He was scared something bad had happen. He was scared jungkook's brain got damaged even more. But the thing that scared him the most was, what if jungkook will forget him forever?

When they arrived the hospital, the doctors that took care of jungkook when he was in coma rushed to them and taehyung explained what happened, not forgetting a single detail.

The doctors told him to wait outside of the room while they'll check him, and he doesn't have to worry because it won't take long.

Taehyung sat in front of the room, stared at it and prayed to God that nothing bad happened.

After exactly six and a half minutes (yes, taehyung counted the seconds), the doctors came out of the room and he almost immediately stood up.

"Is he okay? Nothing happened right? What happened to him?" He asked worried, and the doctors smiled.

"Yes Mr. Kim, Mr. Jeon is fine. Things like that are happening all the time and we kind of expected you to come again in the first week, although in his case it sooner than it should be. He remembered his first memory too fast and he probably have thought about a lot of things as well, that's why he lost his consciousness. He'll be fine, you just need to be more gentle with his brain next time. Also, if it'll happen again, please don't panic and bring him here"

one of the doctors said, and taehyung let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank you dear Jesus!.

"Can I see him now?" The doctors nodded.

"He's still sleeping so keep it quite. He needs that sleep if you want him to feel better and wake up without a headache"

they added and taehyung nodded, signing them that he understood their warning.

When he entered jungkook's room, he tried to be as quite as he could, and sat beside him. He took the younger's hand in his and smiled at his beautiful sleeping boyfriend.

Jungkookie, how are you? Do you feel okay? Please sleep well. I miss you so so much babe, you can't even imagine yourself how much I love and miss you.

Please remember fast and come back to me, I feel like I'm going crazy. Every time I want to kiss you, hug you,and tell you sweet things I can't, and it's seriously driving me crazy.

I'm trying so hard not to cry every time I'm talking with you, did you notice it? All our memories together.. Ugh just please remember fast. Please.

He thought while he stared at jungkook. Soon enough he slowly copied his boyfriend's actions and fell asleep as well.

He didn't even care it was only three in the afternoon. Both him and jungkook weren't sleeping very well because of the thoughts they had. One thinking about ways to help the other remember, and the other looking at pictures of them, trying hard to remember. They were so tired that they both woke up only the day after, at ten in the morning.



Jungkook quietly said when he opened his eyes to the sight of a sleeping taehyung, holding his hand and his head resting on his arms. He looked like he's uncomfortable sleeping in this position, yet so calm and peaceful.

He slowly opened his eyes, and looked up at jungkook, to find him staring at him.

"Why are we here? What happened?"

He asked but his eyes suddenly shot open in shock.

"You kissed that guy! Why are you here? Go away! I don't want to see you ever again! You cheated on me and it was our fucking third anniversary!"

He shouted, angry than ever, and tried to push the older away from him.

Taehyung looked at him, totally lost. What the hell? Fuck fuck fuck there's no way he.. Did he.. Why did he remember it so suddenly?

"Jungkook please calm down and let me explain! You didn't even hear what I wanted to say. Please just let me tell you what exactly happen"

taehyung begged but it made jungkook even madder than he already was.

"Explain what? You cheated on me on our third anniversary taehyung. There's nothing to explain. Now get out or I'll scream"

he said, trying to speak in his calm voice, and if looks could kill, taehyung would probably drink tea with the angels above by now.

"Kookie please.."

"Don't 'kookie please' me! Get out!"

"But I-"


"Let me exp-"


"Just listen to-"


Taehyung quickly covered his mouth before he'll scream. Jungkook threw his hand away from his mouth and when he was about to shout at the older again, taehyung beat him and said,

"Jungkook, that guy tried to flirt with me but when I told him I have a boyfriend he suddenly kissed me. I swear I tried to stop him but he was too strong! Kookie please believe me, you know I'll never cheat on you and I love you more than anything. If I'll lose you I swear I'll kill myself because I can't live without you kookie. Do you believe me?"

At that point he started to cry and when jungkook noticed the tears that
threatened to escape his eyes he pulled him into his arms to a warm embrace.

"Tae I believe you, so please don't cry. I don't even know why it came back to me so suddenly, but I'll forget about it, okay? now let's go home, we need to make me remember again, remember? I really do want to love and remember you again, and I'll work hard on it, just for you"


Taehyung pulled away and looked at him in the eyes happily.

"Yes tae, really"

he assured him with his bunny smile and taehyung smiled back his square-like smile.

When they came home they were very energetic from their long sleep, so they decided that it's a perfect time to teach jungkook their handshake and victory dances, and that's exactly what they did.

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