Hades' Return

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Chapter 4

"That's one of the furies." Rhydian stated as if this happened every day. (It probably did but it didn't make it any less weird for me!)

"Yes, that's very useful and all but how do you exactly plan on stopping it?!" (oh, I really was very sarcastic!)

"Did your mum give you any necklaces at all before, well..." he asked.

Was this really the time to admire each other's jewellery?! How was a necklace going to stop a furious, what ever it is?!

I pulled out the black pendant from my bag all the same, the gold inscription shining in the dim light.

"Like this old thing?" I asked, unsure on whether this was what he meant.

"Yes! Can you read that inscription for me, now." He said, dead-pan. It was a question yet he said it as an order.

I fumbled with the black gem, trying to find where the writing began. It was all in Greek but I could read it perfectly, to my surprise. Since when did dyslexia translate Ancient Greek?!

I would probably be shocked if it weren't for the fact that a fury had just climbed through a portal, in a wall in an impossible room, while Rhydian turns a blue ballpoint into a sword and begins to fight it.

I found the start and began to read it,"All ye demons of the past,

I'm protected, I am cursed

So are all of those I've touched

If you are not one of us

Go, return to Tartarus!"

Just as I finished the chant the bat-lady turned into a heap of dust that sailed away on a breeze that was not there.

The gold lettering on the pendant vanished and I decided to loop it round my neck just in case I needed it again.

The world began to spin and I felt myself fall towards the icy floor. The last I saw was Rhydian saying something before I span through a whirling abyss of darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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