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Author's P.O.V:

The hour seemed like dragging on forever, but what you didn't realise that your wrist watch had stopped exactly on 3 am. Although glad someone was here with you, you had no idea how or why Sehun was here

Y/n: S-Sehun, h-how did you get here?

Sehun: Taeyeon told me to get your bag, so I came here to get your bag

Y/n: B-but I thought you couldn't go

Sehun: *scratching neck* well I changed my mind, right now let's focus on staying alive?

You nodded, looking back at the raggedy old toy that was in your possession; you still couldn't get over the shock of losing V "I miss you" why was V so important? You couldn't put it down correctly but the only person in your mind was V, the memories you had with him, the joy you once had just by being with a voice trapped inside a pice of cloth and cotton "please come back"

Once so thought stable atmosphere, Sehun carefully creaked the door open, just enough to let a sharp gust pass through

Sehun: I think it's safe to come out, but we can never be too careful

Y/n: W-what do you suggest?

Sehun: Since you're the victim here let's not get you involved. I'll go downstairs and check first, do not and I mean do not come down unless or until I say so. Even if it means an hour passed by, don't come down

You nodded and soon you were the only one in the room, along with your thoughts and V. Your face was covered in blood, sweat and tears as you sat down waiting.


You felt like an hour passed by, all you could do was wait and look at the doll in your hands. But whenever you did tears just fell like diamonds "what is going on V? Tell me" your head was aching so you decided to take a break and soon you were out cold

Opening your eyes the sun blinded you,

"not another day in hell"

walking towards the entrance it was buzzing with people. You ignored all as you walked towards your desired place, as you opened the lockers you felt a light tap on the shoulders. You turned to look as there was no one but youth, a young fellow with a smile all so bright

???: hello! You must be the new transfer student

tilting your head you just nodded, not a single word though. Something about this boy seemed familiar, before even being able to see the lad's face your image became blurry

???: I'm-

The sound never went

Y/n: What?

???: Y/n! Y/n! Wake up!!

~end of dream~

Sehun: Y/n wake up!

Y/n: W-what what happened?

Sehun: You fell asleep

Y/n: Really?

Sehun: I wouldn't blame ya, it's four in the morning

You blinked couple of times before sitting up

Sehun: Come on, I found a way out

Y/n: Where?

Sehun: We'll use the back door in the kitchen come on
Without hesitation you jolted up following Sehun as he leaded the way. Suddenly you felt off about the idea, and then it hit you "there is no back door" You stopped mid way, already in the dining room as Sehun looked at you confused

My Doll is in Love With ME |kth| Where stories live. Discover now