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Author's P.O.V:

You cuddled up to his chest as his arms snaked around your waist, his strong grip making you feel secure. The warmth of his body drew you closer as this unfamiliar sweet smell travelled through your nose. You opened your eyes and saw his smiling face, automatically your lips curved into a smile as well.

???: Did I wake you up?

He said it in the cutest way, even though it seemed so familiar you couldn't understand why the boy in front of you was a stranger.

Y/n: N-no, I'm not sleepy that's all

You smiled at him cutely while he returned the gesture

???: I'm so glad that you chose me, I love you

This odd feeling welled upon you sending chills down your body. The figure pulled you closer until you met his cold hard chest, the scent was familiar but you still couldn't pin point the person. You looked up to see the person, you squinted as you realised you couldn't see him anymore, everything had gone blank

~end of dream~

You squinted your eyes open as the bright light almost got you blind, you quickly got up and looked around your room. . . . . . . . .It was empty

V: What's wrong Y/n? Did you have a bad dream?

You looked at V who was sitting on your side table

Y/n: No but, I did see a strange dream

V: What did you see?

Y/n: I don't know, I saw someone that I don't know but then again it felt so familiar. The feeling, scent and aura, all felt so same to *shaking head* I'm so confused

V: Maybe you're just over thinking

Y/n: Maybe you're right

You got up and went to freshen up

V's P.O.V:

How I wish I could tell you, some day Y/n we will be together. I waited as she came out of the bathroom all clean and beautiful, did I say beautiful? Yes Y/n is the most beautiful girl in this world. Her straight brown hair danced in the air as she dried them, my heart beat became faster as I continued looking at her face. She on the other hand, never notices

Y/n: Something on your mind?

I came back to reality

V: No, just bored

Y/n: well then let's go downstairs

She gave me her usual adorable smile which can melt steel as she picked me up and made her way down. Something in my heart hurt, the fact that she never saw me in person and how will she react when she does? My mind argued with me, should I show myself to her? Will she accept me? My heart skipped a beat as I thought about her more, I really was in love with her.

We entered the living room where Y/n's grandmother was watching TV

Y/n: Good morning grandma! What are you watching?

Grandma: Good morning love, I'm watching the news. *sigh* This neighbourhood doesn't seem to be as safe as I thought

Y/n: W-what do you mean?

News reporter: Most shocking news, last night the local police uncovers three men's corpse in X street. The police are most shocked about the way these civilians died. Some would be sure it was a murder but this video footage that was found through surveillance cameras says otherwise *the three men died just like that as V isn't visible on screen* how on earth does deaths such as these happen without anyone being part of it?

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