Chapter 1:

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Author's P.O.V:

It isn't easy for a child to grow up without friends, soon they would long for one or worse become antisocial or fear people around them. Specially if you grow up to have no friends at all and not even your parents are by your side to give you some company.

But Y/n was different, she was a strong girl and even though she became an orphan in a really early age she kept her feet strong. Of course it's impossible for a person to have no friends and although her only friend could not talk to her or play with her; he was by her side through all the complications.
Yes she wasn't completely friendless, her only friend in the world was her doll. She was different ever since birth, being born as the only child she got lonely so her parents got her a doll. It was a doll of a boy made of cloth and it soon became her best friend.

She would carry her doll everywhere and never leave it. Even at school they were inseparable and when she would be left alone; she would talk to the toy and respond to unknown thoughts which got everyone around her worried. her class teacher complained about her behaviour to her parents but whenever they asked her she would simply try to prove them wrong

~12 years ago~

Mom: Y/n dear what did I tell you about talking to that doll of your's. You can't ignore everyone, you need to make friends

Y/n: But I don't want to! They're all mean to me and they bully V (name of the doll)

Mom: I don't want to here that anymore. He's not a real person, you need real friends. Now I don't want to hear another childish excuse; put that thing away and go out to play.

Y/n: But who am I supposed to play with?!

Mom: Don't you think about taking V with you. This is going to give you an excuse to make real friends

Y/n: V is not a toy! He's real and you got him angry!

Mom: Y/n ENOUGH!!

Dad: Dear if she thinks her doll talks to her then let her be~

Her dad would console her mother

Mom: She can't be friends with a doll her entire life, she needs to see reality

Dad: Aha, look you're scarring her. She's just a child, she'll learn when she's mature. Let her be for the time being

Mom: Fine! It's your fault if she never learns

And like that they would always fight, for both wanted the best for they're daughter who still believed her doll could talk. You couldn't blame the kids for being scared or annoyed by her either

-At school-

Random boy: Hey Y/n let's play together

Random girl: Yeah let's play together, it'll be so much fun!

Y/n: Okay but on one condition

The two kids looked at each other

Y/n: V is also playing

The two kids started laughing

Girl: Y/n that's a doll!

Boy: You're such a baby, still playing with dolls and believe they can talk to you

Y/n: I'm not a baby and V can talk!

Girl: Don't lie to us, dolls can't talk Y/n

Y/n: But I'm not lying! He can TALK!!

The two children exchanged looks and started to get scared

Boy: You know what, forget about us playing together

Girl: Yeah you're weird

Y/n: W-well you guys a-are a bunch of meanies! A-and V doesn't like you!

~current time~

Y/n's P.O.V:

It's my first day to high school and I'm not looking forward to it. It's not like I don't like school it's just the people. Ever since my childhood no one wanted to be my friend, I can't imagine why but they always went away once I introduced them to V. V was my only friend who accepted me the way I am, he was there when my house burned down. When everyone left he still stayed back and that's why I love him.

My parents died when I was eight and I'm currently living with my grandma. She sometimes teases me about V but she was the first person to not mind about him and I'm pretty sure V had no problems with her. It was like him to hate whoever didn't accept or believe that he was real, the next thing I knew they disappeared.

*Note: Y/n thinks that V is responding to whatever she says or >:) V can only communicate with Y/n*

Y/n: I really hate this but I can't skip school

V: Aww Y/n can't you stay back? Please stay back, we will play all day!

Y/n: Sorry V, but grandma will be mad at me if I don't go to school or even worse, give you a time out! No no don't worry I will come back as soon as possible

V: Well then take me with you, I can protect you from all the bad guys

He's so cute when he tries to act tough, but I know he just cares for me a lot

Y/n: I'm sorry V but I don't think the teachers would approve a doll in class

V: Y/n we talked about this

Y/n: Sorry sorry, but my point is I can't take you with me. What if you hurt someone innocent?

I said with an innocent face

V: I don't hurt people for no reason

I rolled my eyes

Y/n: Sure, don't worry V I'll be fine

V: Well don't drink bad milk and don't use the toilets at school. Keep away from boys, they're nothing but trouble

Y/n: V aren't you a boy too?

V: Well you get my point now go before you're late

Y/n: Okay, bye!

I exited my room and went to the kitchen to find my grandma, she took care of me when I became an orphan it'll kill me to lose her. She gave me a half smile that looked like it took a lot of strength, that's when I remembered how old she was and that she had a heart disease. I was now worried how long she might last and it just made me go pale

Grandma: Y/n, what's wrong? Are you feeling well?

Y/n: Yes, sorry for worrying you

Grandma: I know you don't like being around people but you can't ignore education.

Y/n: Okay

Grandma: Now have your breakfast and hurry up

I quickly finished my breakfast and headed out. It was going to be a long day.

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