Chapter 1: Injured

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Jack's P.O.V.
The pain. That was the only thing I felt as Pitch stabbed me. The Guardians were to busy fighting off the fearlings to notice. To be honest I was happy they didn't.
I looked down at the wound and gasped. The hole where the knife was had blood rushing out of it.
I looked back up at Pitch and instantly felt an ounce of my strength return. The look on his face brought me anger and strength. Pitch was smirking down at me and I knew I had to end this.
I picked up my staff and stood up shocking both Pitch and I.
"You shouldn't have come back! You should have stayed where you were! The fact that you came back, just shows how stupid you really are!" I yelled and shot ice at him. Pitch dogged and looked at me shocked. I shot another ice blast at him but he rolled before it hit him. I took this as my chance and finally shot him. He fell onto his back and I appeared in front of him. I turned back to my friends and saw they were still trying to fight off the Fearlings.
"Call them off." I said to Pitch and pointed my staff and him. He smirked at me.
"What if I don't? What are you going to do? Bleed on me?" He asked his smirk growing larger.
I smirked as well.
"No...but I might shoot you and kill all of your Fearlings myself." I told him and turned my head slightly. I shot a wave of ice at the Fearlings surrounding Sandy. They all froze then fell to the ground, shattering as they did. I did the same to the ones that cornered Bunny. I turned back to Pitch and smirked once more. He looked behind me at his now fallen Fearlings.
I once more pointed my staff at him. I wasn't really going to shoot him, but I wanted him to think I was going to.
Pitches eyes were filled with fear but that soon faded. He started smirking again and I instantly knew what was coming my way. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw a group of Fearlings running towards me. I turned around slightly and froze them all with only one blast. This time when I turned back to Pitch he finally stopped his Fearlings.
"Okay, okay. You win, but I will be back. I will have my revenge. Especially on you, Jack Frost!" Pitch yelled and disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief and turned to face the guardians. North sent me a wide smile and I gladly returned it. That was until I felt the pain start to return. I put my hand on the wound and had to refrain from groaning.
"Let's go back to the North Pole. We all need rest." North said and started towards the sleigh. I fallowed behind him and started making it snow. My blood was falling onto the snow and making it red, so the only way to cover up the now red snow was to make a snow storm.
"Ah mate, could ya stop that blasted snow storm. It's hard to walk in." Bunny called from behind me. Instead of stopping it I just dimmed it down so it still covered up the blood, but it wasn't that hard to walk through.
"Or just do that." Bunny mumbled from behind me.
Fifteen Minutes Later
We walked into North's work shop and the guardians went to there spare rooms for when ever they stayed at the work shop. I walked into my room and instantly felt at home. My room was blue and very big. The walls were frosted over and there was a thin layer of snow on the floor. I leaned my staff up against the wall and went to the bathroom that was connected to my room. I opened the medication cabinet and pulled out gauze. I then got the cleaning stuff and took off my hoodie and shirt. I cleaned the stab wound and wrapped it up so the blood wouldn't leak through. I put on my shirt and hoodie and walked into my room. I laid down on my bed and instantly fell asleep.
The Next Day
I woke up to a cool breeze rushing past me. I smiled and opened my eyes. The wind playfully picked me up and the pain returned. I squeezed my eyes shut and gasped. The wind must have noticed my sudden pain because it laid me back down on my bed. I could feel the wind nudged me slightly. I opened my eyes and was relieved that the pain had stopped. I looked up at the wind and sighed.
"I'm okay. Sorry, I got hurt yesterday and I guess the wound is still sore." I explained.
The wind nodded and gently picked me up. I grabbed my staff and the wind took me to The Globe Room.
When we entered the guardians were already there, waiting for me. Tooth shivered and turned to look at me.
"Oh! Hey Jack!" She yelled and flew towards me.
"Hey." I said and sat down on the windowsill.
North turned towards me and smiled.
"So, we were thinking...sense we know Pitch is going to come back, we were thinking we might need backup." North explained. I just nodded and he continued.
"We put together a list of all the names, and we were hoping, sense you are the fastest of us all, if you could go gather them up for us?" North asked.
I could feel the wind nudge me in a worried manner. I instantly knew what it meant.
'Your hurt. I don't think it's a good idea to fly.' I heard the wind whisper in my ear.
Because of my staff, I could talk and communicate with the wind. The guardians, on the other hand, could not.
I tuned to look at the wind and shook my head.
"I have to, it'll be okay, you'll be right by my side the entire time." I told the wind.
The guardians sent my a confused look but it soon faded when they realized I was just talking to the wind.
I turned back to them and smiled.
"I'll do it."
I hope you liked this. I'll try to update every day but if I can't please don't blame me. It's because of school.
If you couldn't already tell, Jack is my favorite character so it will mostly be in his P.O.V. It will occasionally change to the other guardians or members of the big six, but not always. - Izzy

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