Chapter 3: The North Pole

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We flew for about three hours before I started to notice the change in temperature. It was cooler, much to my relief.
"We're almost there." I called and turned my head slightly to see Toothless flying closer to me.
He nudged me slightly and I chuckled. I then reached my hand out to the side and put it on Toothless' head. He purred and we continued flying.
After about another hour I could see Norths work shop up ahead.
"Okay, aim for that building." I told them and the wind picked up speed. In a matter of seconds I was standing in front of a yeti.
"Hey, Phil, gonna let us in?" I asked with a playful smirk.
Phil looked behind me and his eyes went wide.
I turned around slightly and saw both the dragons, and the dragon riders standing behind me.
"Hey, it's okay, there with me. North said he wanted to see us." I assured Phil.
"Fine." Phil grumbled and let us bye.
"Thanks Phil." I called behind me.
"Yeah what ever, Frost." Phil called back.
I chuckled slightly as we past a couple of confused yetis, but the part that cracked me up the most was the elves.
The moment they saw the dragons they all ran in the other direction, causing them all to trip over themselves. It was hilarious.
As we continued to walk through the large workshop I decided to have some fun.
I stopped walking and turned to face the riders. I put my finger up to my lips, telling them to be quiet.
They nodded but sent me a confused looked, that I just shook off.
"Wind, you know what to do." I said and smirked slightly.
This was not the first time we had done this.
I could hear the wind chuckle as it started to spin around the room.
"Okay, in order for this to work, I'm going to have to put you in an ice dome. Just stay away from the edges and you'll be okay." I told them.
They sent me another confused look but nodded.
My smirk grew larger and I created an ice dome around them.
It was like a transparent igloo with no exit.
"Phil!! The elves are trashing everything!!" I yelled as the elves scurried around, being chased by the wind.
Phil instantly ran into the room and gasped.
I could hear giggling coming from inside the ice dome and Phil instantly knew what I had done.
'Oh very funny Frost. Now pick this stuff up. North will be in soon.' Phil said and turned around, walking out of the room.
I chuckled slightly and turned towards the ice dome.
I flicked my staff towards the dome and it quickly melted away.
"That was hilarious." Hiccup said and laughed.
"I know right, I've done this twice so far, once to North, and then right now, to Phil." I told them and smiled a toothy smile.
Just as I did Tooth, Bunny, North, and Sandy walked in.
Tooth's eyes widened at my smile and she flew over to me.
"So white!" Tooth yelled and started examining my teeth.
"Tooth, hands out of mouth." North said with a slight smirk.
Tooth frowned.
"Oh, fine." Tooth grumbled and backed away, still staring at my teeth.
"Jack, how many times do we have to tell you, do NOT smile in front of Tooth." Bunny said slightly annoyed.
"Yeah I know, but I didn't think you guys would walk in, the moment I smiled." I told them.
Sandy giggled and I smiled at him, making sure my teeth were not showing.
Tooth frowned even more.
'That girl is crazy.' I heard a voice say from behind me.
I quickly turned around and raised my staff in defense. That's when I realized were the voice was coming from.
"Toothless?" I asked.
Toothless looked up at me wide eyed.
'What does he want?' I could hear Toothless ask curiously.
I jumped back slightly making Toothless look even more confused.
"I...I can understand you." I said shocked.
'What?' Toothless asked, shocked.
I chuckled.
"I can understand you." I said happily.
Toothless stared at me, wide eyed.
'How?' Toothless finally asked.
"I don't know, maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can understand the wind, and the yetis." I told him.
The wind nudged me happily.
I chuckled and turned back to Toothless.
We locked eyes and suddenly he jumped on me. I was about to scream in panic when I felt Toothless lick me excitedly.
"No ones ever been able to hear you before, have they?" I asked as I realized why he was so shocked.
Toothless stopped licking me.
'No ones ever been able to talk to me, no human anyway. Some animals can but others can't.' Toothless explained and got off of me.
"Well now someone can. Any time you want Hiccup or anyone else to know what your saying, just ask me. I'll tell them for you." I told Toothless.
Toothless quickly got up off of me and started jumping up and down, obviously happy.
'Thank you, Jack!' Toothless yelled and jumped over to me.
"No problem." I said and smiled down at Toothless.
"Okay, not to brake up....whatever this is, but who are they?" Bunny asked and pointed to Hiccup and his friends.
They were all staring at us wide eyed, obviously shocked about both me understanding Toothless, and the other guardians.
"Well, Kangaroo. This is Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs, Snoutlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut." I told them.
During our ride to the work shop I had figured out there names.
"For the last time, Frostbite! I. Am. Not. A. Kangaroo!" Bunny yelled obviously annoyed.
I just smirked.
"Yes. You. Are." I said mimicking his tone.
"Oh! That's it!" Bunny yelled and tried to jump on me.
I quickly froze his feet and the wind picked me up, holding me protectively.
The wind knew I was hurt, and it didn't want Bunny to hurt me more.
"FROSTBITE!! Unfreeze my feet now!" Bunny yelled.
"Not if your going to attack me." I said with a slight smirk.
'Don't unfreeze him, he's going to attack you.' The wind said making me chuckle.
"What's it saying?" Bunny asked referring to the wind.
"That I shouldn't let you go." I told him.
"Wind!! Tell him to let me go!" Bunny yelled.
'No.' The wind said simply and chuckled.
I did the same.
"What is it saying! Wind! Tell Frostbite to let me go!" Bunny yelled struggling against the ice.
'It's Jacks choice, and his name is NOT Frostbite.' The wind said and starts to whip widely around me.
"No. Wind it's okay, he's just joking. Calm down." I said and the wind quickly stopped swirling.
'Sorry Jack.' The wind apologized.
"It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong." told the wind and turned back to Bunny.
I swiped my staff to the side and the ice melted. "Okay, now that that's settled, let's have proper introduction." North said his accent thick.
"I'm Bunnymud, The Easter Bunny." Kangaroo said.
"I'm Tooth, The Tooth Fairy." Tooth said and fluttered around the room.
"I'm North, Santa Clause." North said and smiled.
"That's Sandy, The Sand Man. He can't talk though." I told them and pointed towards Sandy.
Sandy smiled and waved.
"So, your actually real?" Snoutlout asked.
"Yeah, where here aren't we?" North asked and smirked.
"Yeah." Hiccup said.
"So, I have a question. If you didn't believe in them, how come you could see me?" I asked curious.
"You can't live in a place like Berk, and not believe in Jack Frost." Hiccup said and chuckled.
I did as well.
"Okay, so let me get this straight. You believe in Frostbite, before you believed in us?" Bunny asked.
"Face is Cottontail, they believed in me before you, it's not that big of a deal. Plus everyone believes in you, let me have some fun for a change." I said with a smirk.
"Jack is right Bunny. These are some of his firsts believers, he deserves this after helping to defeat Pitch." North stated.
"Wait, who's Pitch?" Hiccup asked.
"The person we're trying to stop, that's why we need to you guys." I told him.
"Okay then, who's next?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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