Chapter One

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~Third person POV~

Mark awoke abruptly by another nightmare.

He sighed and held his head in his hands while he tried to remember the nightmare. He thought about it for a few moments until he saw Dark appear from the corner of his eye. "Why are you trying to remember this nightmare so badly? You have nightmares every night, you know." Dark asked while floating closer to Mark, giving him a confused look. "Yeah, I know. But it was really specific and it had my brother in it," Mark paused and sighed. "Before the government discovered these Happy Pills."

"He looks like a drug addict now." Dark commented. "Everyone looks like a drug addict now! But, they're so happy." Mark said frustrated. "Well, I'm sorry that I won't let you be fake happy, alright?" Dark said sarcastically, making Mark huff. "I'm sorry, I guess you're right." He said as Dark chuckled. "I know I am. But now, do you want me to show you your nightmare again?" He asked with a small smile, knowing how  much this meant to Mark. "Yes, please."

Dark floated even closer towards Mark and sat down in front of him on the bed. He took Mark's left wrist in his hand and layed his thumb over the black dot that was there.

That dot resembled Dark in Mark's body. It had appeared the moment Dark came into Mark's life and would never go away. If Dark or Mark pushed down on it for five seconds or longer, Dark would take over Mark's body and mind.

But now that the two of them had lived together for almost six years, it wasn't used very often. Only when one of them really wanted it for some reason, or if it was nessecary.

"Are you ready?" Dark asked as he looked into Mark's eyes. Mark nodded in response before Dark pushed down on the dot. Mark squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as a wave of immense pain shot through his body.

"Is it too much?" Dark asked concerned. "No, it's fine." Mark reassured him. "You don't look fine to me." Dark stated when Mark hissed in pain. Dark then reached his free hand to grab Mark's right hand. "Squeeze my hand if you're in pain, alright?" Mark nodded in return and took Dark's hand in his own. Dark also closed his eyes and started to focus. He played the nightmare before his eyes, which were now Mark's eyes.


It was the day after Mark's first encounter with Dark. Mark sat on the couch, devistated from what had happened to him at school. His brother came back from his work early. He started walking towards the kitchen, but stopped in his tracks once he saw Mark. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Thomas asked surprised. "I got sent home." Mark simply replied. "Why? What happened?" Thomas asked curiously while he walked over to the couch and sat on it. "Well, this may sound strange, but earlier today someone bumped into me on accident, which made me hit a table. I held my wrist in my hand because it hurt, but something strange happened after a few seconds. A weird power took over my body and I couldn't control it anymore. I punched the guy who bumped into me in his face and got sent home." Mark told his brother. "A strange power?" Thomas asked and Mark nodded in response.

"Let me see your wrist." Mark stretched his arm out in his brother's direction. Thomas immediatly saw the black dot on Mark's wrist and knew what this ment. "You have a demon with you, don't you?" Mark nodded in response, a little embarrassed. "Come with me, I've read some books on this." Thomas said while he stood up from the couch and went up the stairs. Mark followed quickly, but not quick enough.

When he reached the hallway upstairs, there was no sign of Thomas. Mark didn't think much of it and opened the door to their bedroom. There he saw his brother laying on the ground, his eyes open but without life in them, blood dripping from his mouth. Mark ran over to him and took his upper body in his arms. His eyes started to water as he looked around the room. They were everywhere, the Happy Pills.


Dark's eyes snapped open abruptly when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He looked at Mark who had also opened his eyes, feeling a little dizzy. "Are you alright?" Dark asked while he let go of Mark. "Yeah, just a little dizzy. Thank you for showing me that, Dark. I miss how my brother used to be." Mark said in a soft voice. "Don't worry buddy, just be happy that the last part of that nightmare didn't actually happen." Dark said with a smile, Mark nodded in response.

They heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Mark said while Dark vanished. "You're finally awake." Thomas said with a chuckle. It's not like he could be mad anyways.

"It's an important day today, I was afraid you were going to miss it." He continued. "What's so important again?" Mark asked while getting out of his bed. "It's the five year anniversary of the Happy Pills!" Thomas cheered while he made Mark's bed. "Ofcourse, how could I forget that?" Mark said while he picked some clothes from his drawer, hiding the sarcasm in his voice.

"Speaking of the Happy Pills, we have to take them!" Thomas said while he followed Mark to the bathroom. Thomas got the bottle with the pills out of the cabinet while Mark changed his clothes. Thomas handed him the pill and a glass of water and they both swallowed the pill at the same time. Mark shook his head at the awful taste.

That the pills didn't work didn't bother him anymore, he could fake his happiness. But they didn't even taste good.

Thomas saw Mark's reaction. "Is Dark bothering you?" He asked, making Mark chuckle. "No, not at all. We've formed a pretty good bond the past six years and I've told you that before, Thomas." "You're right. Now let's go to the parade! All of your friends are probably waiting for you!" Thomas responded excited. He took Mark's arm and pulled him out of the room, down the stairs and towards the front door.

"There may even be some cute girls for you." Thomas chuckled before they left the house.


After three hours of the parade Mark got away from his friends.

Bob, Wade, Tyler, Ethan, Felix, Cry and Ken were all having a good time, but Mark needed some time away from all the happy 'zombies'. So he said that he needed to go to the bathroom and went to a little restaurant.

He went to the bathroom and washed his face. The pounding headache from the loud music didn't make it very easy for him to keep acting happy. "You're doing good buddy." Dark said while he was floating beside him. Mark nodded and sighed in response. "It's what I have to do."

Mark walked into the restaurant again when something caught Dark's eye. "Hey, look over there." He said while pointing in front of him. In the darkest corner of the restaurant sat a green haired guy alone in a booth. He had his knees up to his chest and looked like he was.. Crying?

"People who take Happy Pills can't cry, right?" Mark asked for reassurance. "Is he crying? I can't tell. He's kinda cute though." Dark paused for a second. "Oh shit, there's a human attached to him!" "What did you just say?!" Mark and Dark stared at each other wide eyes.

"Go talk to him, now!" Dark almost demanded. "That sounds like a great plan!" Mark replied before he walked towards the guy in the booth.

"Uh, hello?" Mark asked softly, catching the guy's attention. He looked up with teary eyes.

"Are you alright?"

Nice first chapter, don't you think?

I really hope that you guys are going to like this book, because I love it already!

Alsoo.. End of Chapter One!

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