Chapter Two

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~Third person POV~

Jack woke up from a nightmare.

He panted while holding his head in his hands, trying to hold back the tears. He sighed and looked at the clock on his bedside table which read 12:36 PM. He stared at the time for a few moments.

Jack saw Anti appear from the corner of his eye and turned his head back again. He stared in front of him while he heard Anti sigh. "Yes, I know why it's so late. No, you didn't get drunk. You didn't want to sleep, again. So you ended up staying awake until 6 AM before finally falling asleep."

"Was it because of my mom?" Jack asked quietly. "It's always because of your mom. Every day, for the past six years, it's always been because of you mother." Anti said in an irritated voice. "Well, whose fault would that be?!" Jack snapped at him while standing up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Anti asked when Jack walked towards the front door of his apartment. Jack didn't answer while he opened the door and walked outside. "You know that you're still in your sweatpants, right?" Anti said, but Jack still didn't answer.  He walked up the stairs at the side of the flat. "And your mind is blank. Jack please, you're freaking me out." Anti got a little more scared every step Jack took without saying a word. He passed a few floors until they were on the roof of the flat.

Anti started to panic and flew in front of Jack, which made him stop walking. "What do you want?" Jack snapped at him. "You, not on the roof of a seven story flat." Anti answered while crossing his arms. "That's too bad. I've had enough of this world." Jack said blankly before he walked past Anti. "Wait, what? You've never told me that you felt this way." Anti said while he turned around towards Jack.

"Well, maybe I didn't want to tell the demon who murdered my mother how I felt." Jack said with no emotion. "We've talked about that. And you know how sorry I am!" Anti defended himself. "Yes I do. But I am and have been alone since college. I was known for 'The kid whose mother mysteriously died and who obviously can't be trusted' and you know it. You've seen me cry myself to sleep night after night. You could've guessed that I got tired of being alone a long time ago."

"But the neighbors in the flat like you." Anti said, trying to talk Jack off of the roof. "They don't know what I- no you, what you did before I moved here. They'll hate me if they find out, but this way they don't have to. Everyone is gone because of the parade, so nobody will miss me. And once they do, I'm gone already."

"So that's why you were so focused on this day." Anti concluded. "I've finished college; the first five years you've been with me. I've escaped the 24/7 surveillance from the campus. And for the past year I've been searching for a day when everyone would be gone. Today is practically perfect." Jack explained. "That's right," Anti said softly. "It's been six years and we still haven't formed a connection." He seemed genuinely upset about this.

"You killed my mother on your first day here, Anti. I don't really think that's good first impression!" Jack scoffed, still standing 2 feet away from the edge of the roof. "Let me start over then. You haven't even given me a second chance!" Anti almost yelled. He was getting irritated, but still didn't want to see his counterpart die. "Even if I did, I'd still be alone in this world full of happy zombies." Jack sighed.

"That's not true and you know it. Do you remember that laptop you haven't touched in months? Remember what you found in the most secret files of the government? That's right, people calling out for help because their Happy Pills didn't work." Anti stated with confidence. "Those are almost five years old by now. There's no way that those people are still around." Jack huffed. "Yes there is. I mean, you're still around too." Anti replied.

'Not for long.' Jack thought, but forgot that Anti was part of him and could read his mind. Anti shook Jack's negative comment out of his head and continued. "What I'm trying to say is that the world needs to be saved from these Happy Pills. And that these few people surely need your help. So please, don't give up just yet." Anti almost begged him. Jack stared at his feet, his green hair falling into his face. He was speechless to say the least. Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes and he wanted Anti to stop talking. But he didn't. He really wanted Jack off of this roof.

Anti slowly stepped forward and held up his hand for Jack to take. "Jack, for the love of God, please forget for one moment what I've done in the past and take my hand." He begged. Jack slowly reached out to grab Anti's hand. His body was now shaking and tears rolled down his cheeks. Once he had grabbed Anti's hand, the Demon immediatly pulled him into an embrace. "I'm sorry." Jack choked out. "It's alright, but talk to me next time, Ok?" Anti said in a reassuring voice.

Jack nodded in response and they stayed like that for a few minutes until Jack had calmed down. "I know what'll cheer you up. How about we go to your favourite local restaurant? I don't think that many people will be there." Anti proposed and Jack nodded in response while wiping his tears away.

"Let's get you dressed and then we can go." Anti said while they walked back to Jack's appartment together.

Maybe they could actually start bonding?


Jack and Anti sat in a booth in the darkest corner of the restaurant.

Jack was still a little upset and Anti could sense it. "You can cry if you want to. I mean, there's nobody in here except for that waitress. But she's just waiting for her shift to be over so she can go to the parade. She won't notice you." Anti said while scanning the restaurant.

"Thanks Anti." Jack whispered while he put his knees up to his chest, his eyes filling with tears. "Don't worry about it." Anti responded while floating next to Jack.

"Oh, and Anti?" Jack asked quietly, but got no response. "Anti?" Jack asked again while laying his head sideways onto his knees. He saw Anti staring at, and practically drooling over something behind him. Before Jack could look behind him to see what it was, he heard a deep but soothing voice.

"Uh, hello?" Jack looked up and saw a man with red hair standing in front of him. He couldn't help but stare at the guy's features. He was cute, really cute.

"Are you alright?"

This was a heavy one! And only for the second chapter, Jees!

But for anyone who needs to hear this right now, for whatever reason; You ARE loved, You DO have a purpose, You WILL be missed and You CAN'T give up just yet. Think clearly about what you do and stay safe!

On another note, I wanted to make clear that the bond that Mark and Dark have is much better then the one that Jack and Anti have. And also why, so yeah..

But don't let this chapter get you down! Go do something that makes you happy and go on with your day! You're an amazing person who deserves to smile and be happy!

Also.. End of Chapter Two!

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