29» Group Chat

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Why do they think we're together on screen?

Big Bad Hybrid:
Someone must have told them

Witch Bitch:
Or maybe they just guessed?

Yeah... That could be what happened

Elijah Loserson:
We're not even a on-screen couple

Sexy Salvatore:
Do they not see Kol flirt with Amber?

Like duh.

Stupid Big Brother:
Elijah isn't even with Amber in the show.

No one is 😂😂

Well yet at least

Kol is her love interest

Big Bad Hybrid:
So am I

Elijah Loserson:
Me too

Nope I take that back

So how do people just automatically think that Daniel and Sarah are an on-screen couple

They're not😂😂

You guys are only laughing because you know which Mikaelson it is.😂😂

Elijah Loserson:
Well, we already know who it's not.

Who told them that we were an off screen couple

Sexy Salvatore:
Maybe the fact that there's this thing called paparazzi.

I told someone on IG

Elijah Loserson:
You didn't ask me


Stupid Big Brother:
Somebody didnt get a say

Elijah Loserson:
Shut up, Ian

Everyone knows its Klaus right

I wanted it to be Kol tho

Sorry, babe

Sexy Mikaelson:
It's okay

Elijah Loserson:
I am now super offended

Your Jealous

Don't be jealous of my Sexy Mikaelson

Elijah Loserson:
Oh no. I'm not jealous

Not at all

Sexy Salvatore:

Why do I find that scary

You guys are blowing my phone up




Witch Bitch:

Crybaby Brother:
Daniel is mad at you Sarah


He is not.

I didn't even do anything bad


P.M. Me~ Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now