59• Group Chat

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Looks like this is it guys. I love you all!
I'm officially going to New York
Don't miss me too much 😂

You better come back and visit!

I will, I will. I promise
Sexy Salvatore

Stupid Big Brother
I hope you have fun with your new
acting opportunity

I love you and drive safe.
Have a safe trip!

Graham Cracker
We're all going to miss you

Bumble Bee
We are

Big Bad Hybrid
Some more than others

Sexy Salvatore
Speaking of?
Where is my husband?

He had to go somewhere

I love all of you so much, but I have to go! I have a plane to catch!

AN: um so this whole time I've thought I posted this, but in reality I didnt and it's been a month and I was about to work on the last official chapter of the book and now I'm sad because I said I'd post it during Spring Break and I thought I did. Also not to mention that it literally saved no progress that I wrote so I had to redo it. Enough excuses, I hope you enjoy because there's one more chapter left before I officially end maybe the first book :)

P.M. Me~ Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now