55• Private

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Babe in Suit:
We need to talk

I don't want to do this over text and
the next time we see each other won't be until
tomorrow and this can't wait

What is it?

Babe in Suit:
Rachel is pregnant...

Wait... Seriously?

Babe in Suit:
Yes, she just told me and I felt like you should know

Daniel, you know if this is true,
you have to be there for your baby.

Babe in Suit:
I don't want our relationship to end
because of this, Sarah

I think it may have to. I just got
a role in New York. You should be with

Babe in Suit:
You're taking it?

Now I am.

I already talked to Julie and she's
gonna kill my character off in a few episodes

Babe in Suit:
But I need you here with me

Daniel, I don't want to be a home wrecker.
You have a child on the way and I don't
want to take you away from that

Babe in Suit:
I know that you don't.

Then you understand why I'm going to
New York?

Babe in Suit:

I'll always love you, Daniel.

You can call whenever you need anything.

Babe in Suit:
I will

P.M. Me~ Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now