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Sarah looked in the mirror one more time to make sure her appearance was great. She then grabbed her sunglasses and got into her car. She put her seatbelt on and statted the car and before pulling off, she texted Daniel saying she was on her way.

Daniel was anxious to know where they were going. Hopefully Sarah would tell him when she got there. The doorbell rang just as he was walking to the door. He opened the door to see Sarah in a white dress. "You look amazing." He said.

"Thanks." She smiled. "Now, come on, I have reservations made at a restraunt." She said and went to her car. Daniel chuckled and went to the car after locking his door.


"This place is lovely." Daniel commented. "Thank you, I try to make a good impression on the first actual date." She said. The waiter came by and asked if they wanted drinks. "Two waters, please." Daniel said to the young man. He nodded and went to get the water. Sarah looked at the menu. "Chicken Parm sounds good to me." She smiled at Daniel.

"I'll take the special they have today." He says and just then the waiter came back and asked them if they were ready to order. They order their food and started talking and laughing all night. The waiter came back with their food and they started eating.

"You're really good at acting." Daniel says. "This was supposed to be a no job talking date. And thank you." Sarah says.

"No job talking. Got it." Daniel says and Sarah chuckles. "How did you go to school with Ian?" He asked.

"Oh." She laughed. "You really thought I was twenty six. I look like I'm in my twenties?" She chuckled.  "I'm thirty six. Don't you ever use Google?" Sarah asked him.

"I didn't want to assume anything." He said. Sarah turned her head and saw someone in a dark car, with what looked like a camera.  "Oh great. We have company." Sarah says.

"We should get going." Daniel pulled his wallet out of his pocket. "No, I'm paying. You can pay when you take me out." She smiled and paid for there dinner and walked out of the restraunt. She walked over to the driver side and drove off as fast as she could before they could be followed.


"That was fun." She said to Daniel. "Yeah, it was. My turn next weekend." He said to her. She nodded. "Maybe."

Daniel kissed her before getting out of her car. "Have a good night, Sarah." He smiled at her.

"You too."

P.M. Me~ Daniel GilliesWhere stories live. Discover now