Chapter Seven

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Link lie still on the ground, he was in too much pain to move. The unseen creature, that grabbed his ankle and pulled him back at lightning speed, had dropped him. He now laid absolutely still, barely even breathing. His body ached, he was scared beyond belief. Every creak, every whistle of wind, every single noise filled Link with more fear. His mind always jumped to there being something or someone there. Another horror.

Link heard the creaking of floor boards, slow and almost patterned. Footsteps, someone, fear, a sob, a single word, "No!", silence, shaking... fear...

Link's heart raced in his chest. He rolled over, forcing his sore muscles to work, forcing himself to his feet. He looked towards the sound, there, he saw his grandmother. Link froze. "Nana?" She smiled as she approached. "Link, dear, it's Nana. Wait for me, dear." Link blinked in confusion. What was his grandma doing here? Why wasn't she in North Carolina with his grandpa. She seemed real. And she didn't appear to want to hurt him.

Her voice was sweet and comforting. "Link, dear, please, come to me. I'm tired, come to me, sweetie." Link heard another voice, Rhett. "Link, run! I'm coming to find you, but run!!" At this, Link did as his best friend's voice had instructed him to do, he ran. The figure posing as his grandmother morphed into a tall, black monster. It's eyes were fire red, long fangs protruded from its mouth. It screeched and started to chase Link. It was fast, much faster than he was. Link let out another sob of fear. "Oh God, please, help me! Save me!"

Link fell, his muscles completely giving out. He rolled over onto his back and saw the monster. It was at least eight feet tall. Its body was thin and lanky. It had claws, long claws on its fingers. It was slowly crawling towards Link, ever so slowly. The wood of the house creaked and cracked under the large monster's weight. Link closed his eyes, he couldn't move, his body was too exhausted and hurt. A tear fell from the corner of his eye and rolled down the side of his face. "Ch-Christy, Lily, Lincoln, Lando, Rhett, g-goodbye. I guess this is it. I see no way out of this one, guys. I'm sorry. Know that I love you all with all my heart. I am so sorry."

Link had basically given up, he had no idea how he could escape this monster from murdering him as he lay, helpless, on the cold, dusty floor. He squeezed his eyes shut. He heard the uneven breathing of the monster, he soon felt its hot breath. He felt a point, something pushing into the center of his chest. He gasped as the monster was trying to stab him with its claw. Suddenly, a burst of air blew, fast, he felt his matted down hair get whipped around and his clothes blow. He felt like his skin was going to get ripped off as the hot air blew in a circle around him. He screamed, but he heard nothing, only the wind whistling in his ears.

The wind stopped and Link slowly sat up, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum. He coughed and looked around, he was upstairs, as though he had been transported. Link blinked through the darkness, pale moonlight spilled through cracks and holes in the boarded up windows. Link slowly stood, his joints ached, but he had to keep going. He had to get out.

Rhett walked and walked that night. He prayed he would find Link. He prayed that he could save his best friend. He wasn't sure that his dream was entirely accurate, but he knew one thing, Link was definitely in danger. A wind started blowing and Rhett wrapped his arms around himself, goosebumps on his arms. He kept walking, though the wind was against him. Soon, it changed direction. It swirled around Rhett, causing him to stop and get down to the ground. He closed his eyes tightly and screamed as his body felt like it was being stretched. Everything went black.

Rhett awoke, he was no longer on the sidewalk in an unknown neighborhood, he was in the house. The house from his dream, he had been taken there. Rhett was scared at first, disoriented and confused, but after a few minutes, he realized what happened. Link must be here! Now, all Rhett had to do was find him. A small smile spread across Rhett's face as hope filled his heart.

That smile soon disappeared as Rhett heard an unknown voice. A man's voice. "Welcome, McLaughlin. I see you have joined your friend." As the booming, yet calm voice spoke, Rhett looked around, trying to find the source. "You won't see me, don't bother searching. And you will never escape. Go ahead and find your friend, he won't hear you, or see you. I have made sure of it. Neither of you can ever escape. You will die, afraid and alone. You brought yourself here. This is your fault."

Rhett shook his head. "No, we are getting out of here. Both of us. Together. He will hear me. He will see me. He will live." Rhett's voice was strong, he was not afraid. He began to run, not out of fear, but he was desperate to find and save Link. "Link! Link! Buddy, it's Rhett! I'm really here this time! I'm going to save you! Link!" Rhett's heart lifted up as he saw Link's figure in the distance.

He ran, but slowed down as Link began to stumble. Rhett ran and caught him, and screamed. He held in his arms, Link, with a knife in his chest. Rhett screamed again, but the figure disappeared. It was a mind trick. "L-Link!!!!"

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