Chapter Eleven

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Rhett smiled and helped Link to sit up carefully. He then gently hugged the smaller man again. "Thank you, Rhett. I actually feel so much better, so much safer. And it's thanks to you. I'm so happy you're here with me. Not that I want you to be here, but, I don't know if I'd have held on as long as I have without you by my side. I'm so tired though, Rhett. I so desperately want to sleep, but, I'm scared to. What if something gets in here?" Link's happiness and sense of safety had turned into fear and panic again in the blink of an eye.

"Link, brother, slow down. We're gonna get out of here. The way I see it, this creepy stone guy is holding us here, if we can defeat him, we can get out of here. We just need to find his weakness. Once we do that, we can take advantage of it, defeat him and go home. Why don't you get some rest, I'll keep you safe, I promise. Everything will be alright. You're going to be safe with me for the rest of the time we're trapped in this house. But that won't be much longer. Just breathe, Link. Close your eyes, and breathe slowly. We're going to make it through this. Both of us, together. We've gone through a lot before, nearly died on multiple occasions, but we always got through it together. This is no different. Close your eyes and rest, we will be alright."

Link looked up at Rhett, his racing heart slowing down gradually. His blue eyes were wet with tears that were in the process of forming, but they weren't ready to fall. Link bit his lip and closed his eyes, his hands shaking, which was a common thing for Link. His hands were always a little shaky, but when he was really upset, they shook more to the point where others could notice it. Rhett sat down beside Link and grabbed his shaky hands. "We've gone through hard things, scary things, just for other's entertainment. You shoved your head in a fish tank with two snakes, and you hate snakes, but you made it. We took ice baths, with no rubber suits for protection, we made it through all eight minutes. We've eaten the hottest pepper and the hottest curry in the world. We've swam in freezing cold water that one hot day in February back in North Carolina, we almost died, but we didn't. We've made it through all that and a lot other hard times and situations. We are going to make it through this too. I know you're scared, because I am too, but, we have nothing to fear. If you realize, all the horrible things that have happened, they didn't hurt us. Your leg is broken because you were weak and fell, but nothing here has hurt us. We are safe.

"All we need to do is fight through this, and Link, we're going to. We can do it because we are Rhett and Link, we are brothers, we have gone through so much and nothing is going to stop us from returning home to our families! We will make it! Now, lie down, close your eyes, and sleep. I will keep you safe. I will protect you from any possible dangers. Do you trust me?" Link opened his clear blue eyes, they were still wet with tears, yet none had grown large enough to escape his eyes. He looked Rhett straight in the eye and spoke. His voice was scared, yet still strong. "You know I do, Rhett. I trust you with my life." The corners of Rhett's mouth curved upward in a small, warm smile. "Good, then trust me when I say you are safe to sleep. We're locked in here, and nothing will get in." Link nodded and closed his eyes. He leaned against Rhett and let the first tear fall quietly. Rhett wrapped his arm around Link's shoulders and supported the man's weight as Link fully leaned against him. "It's alright, go to sleep now, Link. You are safe. You are safe."

With that, Link lifted himself from Rhett and carefully lied down on his back. He whispered softly. "Thank you, Rhett. I love you, brother. Good night." Rhett smiled and stood up, getting off the table. He whispered back. "You're welome, buddy. I love you too. Good night. Sleep well, brother." Rhett said this and looked around the dimly lit room, he didn't dare blow out the small lanterns, just in case something were to happen, he needed to see. Rhett spotted an old blanket in the corner. He went over to it and shook it off. It was a little dirty, but mostly just dusty. He walked back over to Link and covered him up with it. Link was already asleep, his mouth slightly open, the sign that Link had entered dreamland. Rhett envied Link's ability to fall asleep almost instantaneously, but he was glad Link had this blessing. With Link's anxiety issues, sleep would normally be a hard thing for most people, but, he had no trouble tonight, and for that, Rhett was both relieved and grateful. 

He walked over to the door and sat down with his back against it. It would give them little longer to be safe if something were to try getting in here, but, Rhett had a feeling that for some reason, they were safe. At least they were for now. He smiled a little, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. He said a few quick prayers for Link's and his safety, and for Link's anxiety to calm down. The last thing Rhett needed was for Link to have an anxiety attack, especially a bad one. Rhett could tell that might be coming if something didn't happen soon. Link's anxiety always built until it all came rushing out. He prayed, asking God to prevent that from happening. All he could do was comfort Link and pray.

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