Chapter 2

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Travis' POV
I heard a tree fall outside so I went to my window to check it out. When I looked out I saw Zane crushed under the tree. I ran outside to him. "ZANE!! ZANE!!!! ZAAAAANE!!!!!!" There was no reply. I tried pulling him out but I couldn't, I couldn't wake him up, so I ran over to Aphmau's house to get help. When I got there I was panting.
"Hey Travis, where's Zane?" Garroth said walking over to me.
"Zanewaswalkingovertomyhousewhenatreefellontopofhim!" I spoke so fast.
"Ok calm down Travis, speak slower." Katelyn put her hand on his shoulder.
"Zane was walking over to my house when a tree fell on top of him" I had a look of gilt and worry on my face. "A-and I couldn't get him out from underneath it." I looked at the floor and started crying.
"It's ok we'll get him out." Aphmau was calm.
"WE NEED TO HELP HIM NOW, I NEED TO MAKE SURE MY BABY BROTHER IS OK!!" Garroth started yelling while crying.
"It's ok GarGar." Laurence hugged Garroth, and Garroth cried into his shirt. Katelyn was in the kitchen calling the fire department and an ambulance. When they got here they cut the tree in half, and then put Zane on a stretcher.
"Does anyone want to ride with Mr.Ro'Mave?" Asked one of the paramedics.
"Yes." Me and Garroth said at the same time. We climbed into the ambulance and went to the hospital. Me and Garroth sat in the room while they took ex-rays on Zane. When they where done, a female doctor with her blonde hair up in a bun, her name was Miss.Levila, she came over to us.
"So we have some good news, and some bad news."
"What is it." Garroth said us both standing up.
"Well the good news is, his heart rate is stable. The bad news is his, left arm, right and left leg, and back has been..." She stopped.
"What? WHATS WRONG?!!!" I started yelling.
"All of those body parts are...broken."
"What?!" Garroth and I started crying.
"Please come with me to Mr.Ro'Mave's real room." The doctors wheeled Zane out of the ex-ray room, into a real hospital room. "I'll leave you three alone." She left the room.
"This is all my fault." I said. I sat down on the floor, and cried into my legs.
"No it's not, it's not anyone's fault." Garroth was next to Zane. "I can't stay and look at him in this state. Travis I'm going home." Garroth ran out of the room crying.
"I'm so sorry Zane." I grabbed a chair and sat next to his bed holding his hand. After awhile a doctor came in the room.
"I'm sorry Mr.Valkrum, but visiting hours are over I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"B-but I can't l-l-leave him." I never stopped looking at Zane.
"I'm sorry but I have to ask you something."
"Ok go head and ask."
"What is your status with Zane."
"Wow, you actually called him by his real name. But back to your question, I'm friends with him...not best friends, but friends."
"I feel like there is more to you two then that."
"There is." Garroth walked in the room.
"Garroth your still here!" I ran up and hugged him. "I thought you left."
"No, but I overheard your conversation. They are more then friends Miss.Levila, Travis loves him."
"Garroth." I snap at him.
"Oh it's ok, I've met other Gay people. My best friend is gay, and I don't judge her."
"Thank you." I sighed and looked back at Zane.
"No one will judge you Travis, me and Laurence are gay, Sasha and Michi are gay. So just remember your not the only one, ok."
"O-ok." My eyes where puffy, my throat was dry, and my head hurt from the lack of water and so much crying.
"I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo sorry, but we do need to leave. We can talk tomorrow, ok Travis, or should I say Mr.Valkrum." I gave a small laugh. "And my name is Logan Levila, it's nice to meet you both." She walked out along with Garroth and I.
After 1 week, I had to leave his room again.
"Good bye Zane, I'll see you tomorrow, but you have to get better for me babe, I can't go any longer without you." I gave him a long, loving kiss on the lips. When something amazing happened...

To Be Continued...

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