Dorfingryff {Marauder Era} {1}

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Author: queenb816

Summary: It all started the day Bianca Reynolds turned Professor McGonagall into a teaspoon.

Bianca had just started her fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She always kept to herself and never truly felt like she belonged, when one day during Transfiguration class, she turned her professor into a spoon. Even though it was an accident, it caught the Marauders' eyes. That was how she came to be friends with the four hilarious, mischievous, and sometimes annoying, Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.To think it all began with a sneeze, a teaspoon and an owl named Dorfingryff...


Can I just say that this is the book that got me into Marauders Era fanfictions. Like it is fucking gold. Bianca and Regulus are....


AND THE MARAUDERS ARE MY LIL BABY (even Peter cause at that time, he wasn't a foul, evil, traitor git and he was actually adorable)


Anyway back to the book.

It is good I have no words.

Well all of these fanfics are gold.

And I'm a very hard person to please.

I'm so critical.

But like, these are so good I wanna cry.

So please


8/10 for this one!

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