To Put Things Simple, I Love You: Embry Call Imprint - 28

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Every campfire I attended had a light air and feel to it. Everyone was laughing, throwing something at each other's heads, burning something on the grill, or doing all at the same time. Not this time. The circle was larger than usual. Older members from our tribe were now here. I saw Jacob's dad, Seth and Leah's mom, and a few others I didn't quite recognize. I pulled my knees to my chest and huddled deeper under the blanket as my thoughts played back in my mind.

~"What? Werewolves? What does that have to do with Tom and Chris not being here?" my head snapped between my parents as confusion took over my former vacant expression. It was my dad who spoke up, "Well sweetheart," he paused and placed a hand on my shoulder in an act to comfort me, "it has everything to do with them not being here."

I sat in silence as he explained what happened, how it happens, and why. I sat there half in disbelief, half shocked. Yes, I knew that the legend of our tribe was that our ancestors were wolf-like guardians, but I didn't think in the literal sense. I was told I'm an imprint to Embry, and what exactly it means to be one, how the connection works, and why it's everything but bad. During the explanation of that, my eyes were locked on Embry's the entire time.~

It's been two days, since that conversation, and I still haven't seen my brothers. I sat staring at the dancing flames as the trio of colors drew me in and held my attention. According to my parents, this campfire meeting would answer any questions I may have. For my sake, I sure hope so. As if he could read my mind, Embry hugged me closer to his side and kissed my temple to reassure me that things were going to be okay. I turned to look at him, but couldn't say anything. I hadn't said anything to him since the time all this information was suddenly divulged to me. Not that I resented him, or blamed him for any of this. I guess I was still trying to process everything. It was a lot to handle.

The sound of hushed voices drew my attention to the head of the circle, where Mr. Black, Mrs. Clearwater, and Old Ateara, whom I realized was Quil's granddad, sat. I saw Sam crouch down so he was eye level to them, say a few words that I didn't quite catch, and nodded his head before he sat next to Emily, his imprint. Then, slowly out of the shadows, emerged two figures. Tom and Chris. My eyes widened in anticipation of what would happen. I wanted so badly to run to them, wrap my arms around them and never let go. But they looked different. I had to remind myself of what my father had told me. They had changed.....they were now werewolves. They looked taller, more muscular, and their features more defined. Their eyes, if it were even possible, seemed to shine a brighter green, though it retained that deep luring mysterious green as well. I hadn't realized I was squeezing Embry's hand so hard until he patted the back of my hand with his other one, telling me to relax, that I had nothing to worry about. Almost immediately, I winced, only because I thought I was hurting him. A low soft chuckle escaped his lips as he answered the thought, "You're not hurting me, remember?" My brows furrowed as I remembered...wolves were strong. Very strong. And too hot, temperature wise, for their own good.

The thudding of Quil Senior's cane against the sand drew everyone's eyes to him. My brothers, who were now seated next to my parents, still had their heads bowed however. The whispered conversations had ceased, and all you could hear was the crackle of the flame. Out of the corner of my eyes though, I could have sworn I saw Tom lift his head and look at Leah, and only at her.

Aaaand cue weird thoughts.

Well, my life may have permanently changed, but at least my thinking habits haven't.

"Most of us, if not all, know the reason of this tribal gathering" Old Ateara started. "It seems we have a new addition to our line of tribal guardians. Two, in fact" he paused to smile at my brothers, as they nodded back to him while receiving pats on their backs from my dad and a loving smile from my mother. He cleared his throat before continuing, "As well as a few of our not-so new wolves, finding their partners in life...their imprints." With that, he looked over to Embry, who had his arm slung over my shoulders, and myself. He then turned his head to another 'couple'...Tom and Leah.

No. Way.

"Arthur and Malory, you have done a fine job in bringing your daughter up to speed with this whole process, my many thanks for that. And also for being there for your sons when they needed you the most, alongside their alpha, Mr. Uley" Sam smiled at that as Emily looked at him with such adoration.

The meeting followed the same format. A few speeches, guidelines to follow, and how to adjust to this new lifestyle. I also found out that my dad had been a guardian in his time, and passed the gene and responsibility to his offspring.

Kinda cool.

The older members of the tribe that were present at the meeting had decided to call it a night, while the rest of us decided to hang back. I stood to hug my parents as they said they were heading back home. "Look after her Em" my dad said in a serious, yet playful tone. "With my life, sir" he responded. That did it. My heart rate almost immediately picked up, just hearing those words uttered from his lips. My breathing picked up a little as if fireworks were being set off, IN MY HEAD! It was a surreal feeling as the beating organ in my chest made an involuntary pull towards Embry, and all I wanted to do was hold him to me forever. While it might seem like I was going into cardiac arrest, it felt wonderful. Not wanting the feeling to go away, I instantly strode over to where he was standing. Before I could make my move, he immediately pulled me into his chest and wrapped his strong arms around me, indulging me in his warmth. I sighed in contentment.

"I'll take that as our cue to leave" my mom joked. With that, I was actually able to conjure up a smile, which she thankfully saw. "I'll see you later mom" I managed to squeeze out. She and my father held hands as they headed away from the fire. I looked up at an expectant face, looking deep into those favorite brown eyes of mine, my eyes searching his face. Placing my hands on both sides of his face, my fingers drawled over his features, as if to make sure he was real and indeed mine. He laughed when I started making circles on his cheeks "Lana, wh-what are you d-doing?" He said in between chuckles. "Just making sure" I threw him a half smile, only to have it returned with a full on dazzling one. And of course, my heart flipped. I swear it has a mind of its own. He then loosely slung his arms around my waist and lowered his face, stopping only a fraction of an inch away from mine. "May I?" his closeness was enough to make me nervous, only I wasn't. I nod my head in agreement, as he brought his lips to mine. If I wasn't there wrapped up in his arms, I swear I would have missed it. Ever so gently, he placed a small and soft kiss on my lips. For a kiss so small, it lingered for what seemed like forever. Half pouting, I looked up at him as he closed his eyes, sighing. "Your brothers are watching me, and I'd rather not die right now," he chuckled as he opened his eyes, resting his forehead against mine, smiling at me.

"AHEM!" Seth cleared his throat, rather exaggeratedly. "So, you know then" it wasn't a question. I pulled back from Embry, much to his dismay, and answered. "I do."

He smiled sheepishly before scratching the back of his head as he averted his gaze to the ground, the soil suddenly interesting him. "Are you, af-afraid of us?" This was too cute. He thought I would be afraid of them. I thought about my answer carefully before speaking up again. "At first, I was. I didn't know what to think, all this being thrown at me at once. First being an imprint, and then my brothers going wolf on me, and all of you! How long have you been werewolves and didn't tell me?" I pretended to look angry at them, but my smile betrayed me. Quil just ran up to me and hugged me. So did Seth, then pretty much everyone else. I half laughed-half choked because of the overwhelming strength that engulfed me in a circle of emotion. "Guys..can'!"

"CRAP! Sorry!" -"Oh damn. MOVE!"

After they composed themselves, I looked them all in the eye, one by one. "You're still the same guys, right? I'm still the same girl. Nothing's changed, and nothing will change. It's a part of who you are; a part of who we are. I'd be a fool not to feel a sense of pride almost, knowing who and what we come from. And you!" I walked over to where my still silent brothers were, their feet planted firmly on the ground. "Don't think that because you're cool like Wolverine, doesn't mean you can use your overnight strength to kick me out of the bathroom in the mornings when I'm taking 'too long'." Chris hurriedly looked away as he snickered. "Oh yeah, I saw that" I smiled at the end of that little hobo-rant and jumped into their arms. "I missed you" I whispered as a single tear made its way down the side of my face. "We missed you too" Tom muttered back, so low I almost thought he hadn't said it. I kissed them both on the cheek as I reluctantly pulled away.

"Nice guns" I remarked, squeezing their arms, which rather felt like squeezing two concrete bricks. "Ooh yeah, these babies right here, they're the real deal!" Chris said, while making the same sound I'd imagine a person with constipation would. "Whoa bro, calm down on the doo doo force" Em said in between laughs. "Okay, okay, I have a question. Why did Old Quil look at you and Leah when he mentioned impr-" my voice trailed off as realization dawned on me, my eyes straying away from Tom's smirking face.

He looked at them when he mentioned imprints, right after looking Embry and I's way. "As well as a few of our not-so new wolves, finding their partners in life..their imprints" he said. Wolves. Plural. They were imprints!

I blinked my eyes rapidly as I should my head, trying to wrap my head around the idea. "You're each other's imprints!" It wasn't a question. They just smiled and looked at each other so lovingly, Tom slinging his arm over Leah's shoulders as he delicately rubbed his hand up and down her arm. "You just realized now? I mean like, how did you not know before?" I was confused.

Shouldn't Leah have known it the first time they saw each other, just like Embry said he did when he saw me?

Smiling, Leah took my hand and led me to sit down. "That bad that I need to sit down, huh?" I joked, trying to make light of the situation. A low, musical laugh escaped her lips. She looked around at the others as if for confirmation, before she continued. "The reason I didn't realize Tom to be my imprint, was because his wolf hadn't fully arrived yet. Somewhere along the line, the greater force that governs our shape shifting abilities decided that I would not realize it, until his wolf did. So that the bond would be as strong as it was meant to be, and that the union of souls would not only be recognized by my wolf, but by his as well, and solidified for eternity." She looked up into my brother's eyes, getting lost in his orbs before continuing, "It couldn't have been a more perfect time. I used to think that I was a lost cause, and that I would never find my imprint. But he came, and saved me." This time, she spoke not to me, but instead looked at Sam and Emily. "I'm sorry, for harboring such bitterness towards you. It was not your fault that your imprint was not me, Sam, but Emily instead. I only hope that you can ever forgive me. I now understand the feeling of unconditional love, to have and to reciprocate it." Sam smiled at her, while Emily was the one that stood with open arms, welcoming Leah into them. "It's okay, dear cousin, there is nothing to forgive. Let's just move on from this point on, imprints by our side" she kissed her cheek as she pulled back. I saw Tom patting Sam on his back before returning to Leah's side.

I stood there, awestruck. It made sense now. It all made sense. They were perfect for each other. In that moment, I turned to look at Embry. A perfect match. I for him, and he for me. It was done. Signed, sealed, and delivered. I felt the barriers of my heart stripped away completely and the full capacity to love took over.

I, Lana Combs, am irreversibly and undeniably in love with Embry Call.


Feedback, would be awesome, as always (: "please update soon!" doesn't really motivate me, instead your thoughts and COMMENTS on the uploaded piece. VOTE if you liked it, and MESSAGE me for anything else. Go grab a glowstick and let's celebrate!

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