To Put Things Simple, I Love You: Embry Call Imprint - 17

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We had fun that night. As we always did.

I barely spoke much though. My mind was preoccupied with the last time I saw Connor.


"This is so unfair. I don't wanna leave. Connor I'm going to miss you so much"

"I know Lana, and believe me I'll miss you even more." Connor said as he drew me in for a hug.

We stood in the neighborhood park, a few blocks away from my soon to be former school - Hunterdon Central High School. I wasn't ready to leave Flemington Borough...the place I had called home.

Connor pulled out of the hug but not letting go of my hand. Intertwining our fingers, he led me over to the swing set. As we sat down, he let out a sigh before turning to look me in my eyes. I turned to face him too. And even though we were sitting side by side, we leaned in to rest our forehead on each other's. I closed my eyes, relishing the moment.

"I can't put myself through this Lana. It hurts too much as it already is." He started.

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly confused.

He kissed my cheek before he continued. "What I'm saying is...I don't want to keep meeting, if you're only going to end up leaving. I can't keep getting excited and feeling over the moon every time I'm going to see you, if one day I'll wake up and you'll finally be gone...So instead of setting myself up for probably the worst pain I've ever felt, I think this should be the last time we see each other. Only because I can't bear the pain I'll have to endure when you finally do leave me." He paused for a while before continuing "I love you Lana...and I always will"

-End Flashback-

My date with Embry was tomorrow night. I was very excited...despite my current state. I hadn't told my brother's about it. In fact, I didn't tell anyone. For all anyone knew, it was just us hanging out...and not a date.

I was sitting on the porch reading 'Stolen' by Lucy Christopher. This had been my fifth time reading the book. I absolutely loved it. My mother walking up the stairs caught my attention.

"Hi sweety, are you alright?" She asked, taking in my expression.

"Yeah Mom, I'm fine. Promise"

"Well, I was just looking for your father to tell him that I'm going to Seattle next week. I have two days off during the week, and I'd like to visit a store there. I'd go to Port Angeles, but there really isn't much there..well not what I want anyway. Besides, the Pottery Barn is much bigger in Seattle" She said with a smile. My Mom loved Pottery I smiled, sharing her excitement.

"Would you like to come with me? We're going to get new cell phone plans too, since we still have East Coast area codes. Your father wants us to get it changed."

I thought about it for a second. How awesome would it be? Going into the big city, getting a new phone, getting some time away with Mom just to clear my head. "Sure Mom. What days next week?"

"Tuesday and Wednesday are the days I get off. We can leave early Tuesday morning...sound good?"

I nodded happily as she went inside.

"What are you all giddy about?" Chris asked, coming up the front stairs.

"Nothing..where have you been?" I could probably already guess where he was, and who he was with.

"Oh, I was just with Seth and Paul. Seth has like, a stash of super soakers, and we had a mini war."

I knew it.

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