To Put Things Simple, I Love You: Embry Call Imprint - 14

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"Whoo, this water is freezing!" Seth exclaimed as his head broke through the surface of the water.

"Is it really that cold?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Yeah, it is. I'm not gonna lie. But, you'll get used to it if you just dive in like I did," Seth replied "don't come in slowly, coz that'll only make it worse."

I nodded my head to show that I knew what he meant. But still didn't say anything because I was still skeptical on going into the cold ocean.

Which was kind of wierd, being the beginning of summer, yet the water at First Beach always seemed to be cold.


As I stood there, the conversation I had with Embry on the way here played back through my mind.


"I have to talk to you Em. Well, it's more like I have something to tell you" I say, looking up at him.

Almost as if contemplating what to say to that, he responds after a while saying, "tell me on the way there"

A small nod and a smile was all that accompanied those words.

Two minutes into the walk, Embry had slung his left arm over my shoulders and drew me closer to his side.

Gosh he smells good.

No Lana. FOCUS! You have to be honest.

Do not get distracted!

"Now, what did you want to tell me, Lana?" His eyes bore into my soul almost.


"Ok. Remember the day when we were all 'reunited'?"

He nodded his head.

"And after we shared that..moment on the beach?"

Gosh this is harder than I thought.

"Well, I may have jumped the gun a little bit that night."

"I don't understand" Embry said, a confused look on his face.

"Was I being unclear that night?" He asked.

"No no no, you were perfectlyclear. Its me who was unclear about my feelings." I responded, slapping myself on the inside.

I exhaled loudly, expressing my difficulty in relaying what I had to say. "Well, the thing is. I like you, I really do. Its just that-" I looked up at him, meeting his eyes before continuing "-I think I blurted out stonger feelings for you that I intentionally had. Its just that it had been so long since I'd seen any of you, and so many things were coming at me all at once, that I couldn't bear it almost. So in a way I guess, I only said what I said thinking it would be what you wanted to hear..and no what I should have said."

I looked up at him, as he was taking in the words that just left my mouth.

I continued to speak, since he showed no sign of speaking anytime soon.."And when I said that I really like you..I do, just not to the point of loving you." I held my breath after saying that, instantly wishing I didn't.

I looked up at Embry, who's expression remained the same. But his face said one thing, while his eyes said another. His grip on my shoulders loosened for a fraction of a second, before resuming its hold on me.

Yet he still remained silent.

So I let out a sigh and continued speaking.

"And I'm not saying that my feelings won't grow, because you're an awesome guy and I love you as a friend..but its just that my heart hasn't let go of someone else" I paused for a moment.."and I don't think it would be fair to you if I said one thing, but didn't give you 100% of it..only because it's still clinging onto someone else."

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