To Put Things Simple, I Love You: Embry Call Imprint - 4

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I head for the front steps, and as usual, I hear my brothers before I see them.

"I'm back!..if anyone cares."

"Dude, I totally smoked you, and you know it!" Tom stressed.

"Psssht!, I looked away for one second and then you get a 50 note streak? Guitar Hero is rigged, rigged I tell you!" said Chris, trying to make up a lame excuse for losing to Tom, again.

They both look over their shoulders as I walk into the room.

"Hey Lanz, how was the beach?" they both ask.

"It was great. I even met someone, her name is Leah. I don't remember her from when we were kids, it's probably because she's older than I am. But anyway, we got talking, and we're gonna meet up later this afternoon. She has my number so she'll either call or send me a text to sum things up, the beach was awesome."


"By the way, where are Mom & Dad?"I ask.

"Oh, they're at an old friends house, Philly Snack I think it was..yeah, that's it." Chris says.

"It's Billy Black you doofus!" Tom giggles.

"Hey Lanz," Tom adds after he composes himself, "about this afternoon, do ya mind if Chris and I tag along?"

"Uh yeah, sure..don't see why not. 'Sides, won't be the same without you goons." I say teasing them.

"Well I'm heading off to my room now. I'm gonna attempt to try and make it look less like a slob pit." I add.

"Well good luck with that," Chris starts, "but now that you mention it, my room ain't exactly 'Clean House' worthy...hmm."

"Well good luck with that." Tom and I mimic him.

The three of us head upstairs, Tom deciding that his room could use some work, talking about the events that are to take place later on in the evening.

"I wonder if Leah has any brothers..coz I mean if she's that pretty, then her brothers will be..hmm." I taunt.

"EXCUSE ME??!!" Both my brothers exclaimed.

"We'll be the judges of that." Chris says, a stern look on his face.

Jeez, calm down..I'm only kidding. Sort of.

"Ok ok,"I begin, "I was only joking..what the crap."

"Uh huh, whatever. We of all people know what these teenage boys are like, with their testosterone levels and shit..and don't you what the crap us young lady." Tom says, lightening up a little. Very little.

***a few hours have now passed***

After taking a cool shower from all that sweat I shed, cleaning up my room as best I could, I'm dressed, wearing a light hoodie, a ZZ Top t-shirt, dark wash jeans, & black and white Vans.

I walk over to my makeshift dresser, which is basically a mirror sitting on top of a box, to see if I look ok.

And I did:)

Just as I finally decide to leave my hair the way it was, left out to blow in the breeze,my phone starts vibrating on a box left under the open window facing the woods.

It's a text message from Leah which read:

Hey Lana, it's Leah here. U still up for 2night? We all just arrived here @ the beach, and R just firing up the coals & the bonfire.

I reply saying: Hey:) yeah of course I'm still up for it. You mind if I bring my 2 brothers along? And do u need me to bring something along?

Leah replies: Of course I don't mind, & no u don't need to bring anything. The boys just got back from the store. Just get yourself over here.

I quickly reply saying: OK, see you in a bit.

"Hey boys," I call out as I head to my door, "Leah just messaged me, our little soire is starting, you guys ready?" I finish as I lean on the frame of my door.

"Yup." Tom and Chris say, coming into the hallway.

"Oh, Mom just called me and said that she and Dad are staying over at Mr. Black's house for dinner, and I told her we kinda had plans and not to worry about she said to be back here by 11pm. It's 5:45pm we've got lot's of time." Tom adds.

"Ok." Chris and I agree

I pull the door shut behind me as the cool air hits my face.

My brother's are waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

Hooking my arms in each of their's, the three of us make tracks towards the beach.

Something tells me tonight is going to be a great night. I can feel it.

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