Chapter 2

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Large wolf POV

I bite her in the side and rip of the skin. She stumbles up but passed out.

"Grab her and retreat you know that's the order." I mind link the two and the nod their heads.

They shift into the human forms and lay her on my back. Her wolf isn't heavy but her blood seeps into my fur and I grunt.

It's the alpha's orders. It's the alpha's orders.

The boys shift back into their wolves. We take off into the direction of the house. I look back and see a girl our age crying into a mans arms.

I grunt again and continue the trudge through these blasted snow banks.


Quinn POV

My brain bangs itself against my skull. I try to open my eyes but even in this dark room it's too hard. I bring my hand up to my head. I rub my face. Eventually my eye's adjust to the dim light.

I try to stand up my side burns and I hiss in pain. I grab my side and my hand comes off red. I look down and I'm naked except for a ace bandage that's been wrapped around my torso.

"Hello!" My voice is Horse and scratchy.

"You're awake." Some one says and walks out from the shadows.

He is without a shirt. Tattoos cover his arms and he has a scar the goes from the right side of his temple down to his chest.

"Why am I here? Who are you? Why am I bleeding?" My voice shakes and my side burns. He flashes a devilish smile.

"You are here because my alpha wants to be not just the strongest alpha, but the strongest pack." His voice is smooth and deep.

"That doesn't explain why you tried to hurt innocent kids!" I scream back and pull against the shackles. My wrists burn from the silver but I don't care. I want out.

"We never tried to go for the kids. Our main goal was you and that's what we got." He crosses his arms and flashes a smile. "I need to get my alpha to interrogate you. Don't go anywhere." He chuckles and walks out the door.

"I couldn't move even if I wanted to." I huff and sink to the ground.

The cement floor is wet not only with my blood but with water that drops from a leaky pipe above this cage.

I twist myself and put my feet on the wall and push as hard as I can. I feel my eyes turn red and a surge of energy give me the power to break the shackles from the wall.

I pull a bobby pin from my hair and unlock the shackles from my wrist and the door. I immediately shift into my wolf. The gash in my side burns and starts to soak my fur as the wound breaks open.

I run up the stairs and I run through this horrible place trying to find a door with out being caught.

But just my luck, a siren goes off. A bunch of people.  Rushes around before a bunch of people with spears gather around me.

I bare my teeth at them and begin to growl.

"Move out of the way!" Some one a string authority yells. A path in the group forms and a big man walks forward.

My heart skips a beat as I look him up and down keeping my emotions under locks.

He has dark brown hair pushed up. A slight bit of gruff cover his face and his pale blue eyes show anger. His tall stature is intimidating as he stands taller then my wolf.

His green eyes flash and his face softens. But his soft smile is soon replaced with a smirk.

"Why hello there, mate."


Mason POV (Quinn's father)

"Alpha! Alpha!" I look up from my papers and see Quinn's friend, Joel, come running in.

"Quinn been taken!" He yells. I push the desk out of the way and push past the boy.

When I make it outside I shift immediately and start running towards the Dusk pack.

"Malia, Quinn has been taken. Get everyone together and start a search party." I mind link her.

My paws hit the ground fast and hard as I push myself past the back line.

I dodge trees without even realize it and I can feel my eyes turning to the black shade fading from the electric blue they normally are.

Before I hit the 2 hour mark I'm at the house. I've been here once before for a pack improvement lesson with my mum. But that was years ago. Even so, I never forget my ways.

I break through the glass door. The glass gets stuck in my fire but none of that matters. All that matters is that I get my daughter.


Quinn POV

They hold me against the floor never breaking their force.

"My mate, let her sit but don't let go of her arms." He demands and his mutts follow en suit. "You are a true beauty." He lifts my chin up with a gunfire and sparks spread down my neck and all through my body.

"You're the alpha's daughter. I guess I should call you princess." He says and chuckles a bit.

My wolf wants him but my brain rejects him whole heartedly.

"Boys, take her to the alpha suite. Your Luna just be given the best." He smiles devishly. I growl at him.

"My dad will be here any minute to kick your ass." I snarl and he chuckles.

"Oh is daddy coming to see you."

"You bet he is. Now unhand my daughter before I snap your neck and take your pack." He says and crosses his arms.

"Fine, let her go." He smiles but then frowns.

"Just know, she is my mate and she is mine so don't be shocked if she I don't know, goes missing." Once he's done the boys throw me at my dad and thankfully he catches me.

I hold onto him and burry my head into his chest.

"It's okay baby girl. You're safe now."

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