chapter 3

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Quinn POV

"Quinn can you please tell us what happened." The doctor asks one more time.

"I-I um." I look straightforward. How do I even answer. 'Oh well you see he sent some one to attack me took a chunk out of my side then declared himself my mate. My dads in the room do you know how ballistic he would go.

I spare a glance over at my dad who is leaning against the wall his arms crossed.

I look to my right where Joel stands wrapping fresh bandages around my body. I motion for him to come close and I whisper in his ear what he is to say.

'Uh, Quinn says that she was playing with the kids and then the beta and a warrior from the Dusk pack came and she told me to get them inside. I objected but she forced me and took off. Um the beta took a big chunk out of her side and she tried her best to fight. But she passed out and..." he stops and stares at me he clears his throat and continues. "They had her chained up in a dungeon. She escaped and everyone chased her until they all gathered around her. That's when alpha Grey came and he-he." As if he can't continue he looks at the ground. I run his arm and tears well up in my eyes. "He's her mate."

There's a minute of complete silence. I'm not sure silent it could have been because my heart felt like it was going to bust out of me chest.

"I need air." I push myself off the bed and leave the hospital and walk outside. I wrap my cardigan tightly around myself and look at the sky. The sun is shining brightly and begins to melt the snow on the ground.

"Hey, are you alright." Carter's hand sits on my shoulder and I look up at him. Even though we are twins he's somehow taller than me.

"Yeah, uh... no I'm not." I wrap my arms around the back of my neck. I stare at the ground and it becomes my only distraction.

"What's on your mind?" Does he really not know

"You-you don't know?" He shakes his head,"I was captured. Alpha Grey is my mate. I don't know what the hell to even do. One moment I'm dreaming of the perfect mate. The next I'm paired to the most arrogant, egotistical, downright rudest Alpha in the whole West Virginia and Virginia area!" Anger seems to radiate off of me as I feel like I could melt the snow around me.

"Whoa, what a day you've had. Hey, at least you aren't going to have your first child before you even become alpha." He says and crosses his arms and stares into the woods with me.

"Gracie's pregnant?!" I yell and look at him, "Congrats dude!"

"It's not congrats. It's Messed up. I don't even want to be alpha." He grunts and kicks the snow.

"Why not? Being alpha is the highest position you could ever receive. If I could be alpha I would jump on the opertunaty."

"Q I would always be depended on. Always look at for advice. And I just don't want to run this pack into the ground." He leans against the window and lets out a deep sigh. The air visibly swirls out in front of him. I stare at him.

"Hey, even so, this pack hasn't had any problems in like 29 years. I'm sure everything will—" I'm cut short by a twig breaking in the distance. Both OUT head shoot towards the direction of the the sound. Three wolves walk out the woods. The fur on their backs stand up straight, their backs are arched, and they growl. They want a fight, and that's what they'll get.

I push up my sleeves and start to walk towards them.

"No no no. Quinn go back they're here for you. Go get dad!" He demands using the budding alpha tone. I can't help but turn towards the house. My body moves without me willing it.

"But Carter!"

"Quinn do not disobey me! Get in the house now!"
I swallow hard and run into the pack house.

The first person I run into is Dean. He grabs hold of my forearms a look of concern on his face.

"Quinn, what's wrong?" He asks his eyes move rapidly searching my body for any harm.

"The Dusk Pack is here. They're here for me." My voice cracks and tears well up in my eyes. Why am I crying?

"Hey, hey." He grabs my face and whips away the run sways, "You're gonna be okay. You have 678 men in this house that have your back. 504 Woman fighting for you. Everything's gonna be alright. Go get your dad and alert the pack. I'm gonna kill some wolves." His eyes turn a dark red and he runs away from me. He goes towards the pack houses back exit.

I take a deep breath, shake my hands, and search for my dad.


Grey POV

I stand right out side the border pacing back and forth.

Mate is scared! We have scared mate!

What! How could we have scared her?! No one is to touch her.

She is crying!!

My wolf jumps around in me begging for an escape.

I yell and shift into my large dark brown wolf. I charge towards the pack house.

My pack makes it so I can get through them with ease, blocking the other pack from me. I sniff where she is.

5th floor 2nd window to the right. She's with some one.

I subconsciously nod my head to my wolf and jump onto a stack of wood. I jump onto a lower roof. The roof reaches the perfect high where I can jump onto her balcony.

I get my footing and jump and barely make the balcony. Lay front paws are scraping the wood as my legs swing down below me.

Eventually I'm able to pull myself up under the bars.

I face her doors. Her and the man she was with see me and he pushed her behind him.

I break through the glass and land on top of the boy. I growl in his face. He pulls a pocket knife out of his pocked and switches out the knife. I put my paws on his throat. His face turns red before turning blue. His eyes roll back and he falls unconscious.

I look up and my mate is pushed against her door. I shift back into my human not even caring about my nakedness.

I look around her floor and spit a pair of large sweatpants and pull them up.

I walk towards her and grab her shoulders. She tenses up. I reach behind her and lock the door. I lean in and kiss her hard. She puts her hands against my chest and tries to push me off but fails. Soon she starts to kiss back.

I sense my beta walking through the window. He hands be a needle.

I pull away from the kiss and smile at her. Fear still in her eyes. "Sorry for this." I plumb the needle in the crook of her neck and inject the serum. She tires to fight to stay awake, anger etched onto her face.

But quickly she looses the fight and her head falls onto my shoulder. I wrap her arm around my shoulder and lift her up bridal style. I maneuver down to the ground. And with my beta as my guard, I take off into the woods.

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