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So mom agreed to let me stay the night with Eathen. However, I'm really nervous about this.

(What if I do something bad..if I can't hold myself back?) I think to myself as I wait for Eathen to answer the door.

The door slowly opens, revealing his beautiful face.

"Hey Jamie! I'm glad you were able to come. Please, come in!"


"Come on, you can put your stuff in my room."

I follow him upstairs to his room.

When he opens his bedroom door and we step inside, I can't help but to be shocked by the sight. His room is huge! There's a big, round, black and red bed in the center on the room, and black and red furniture filling the room.

"You can put your stuff by the nightstand if you'd like.."


I can see one problem here though. There's one bed. Just one. (Will we be sleeping together in here?)



"Why're you blushing?"

"Oh uh..sorry. I just..thought of something kinda embarrassing.."

"I see."

With a sigh, he jumps onto the bed, patting a spot next to him.

"C'mon, sit with me!" He smiles warmly.

Hesitantly, I join him in the bed.

"So Jamie..I have a kinda..strange question."

"What it it?"

"Y-you know how I told you..all of that stuff yesterday..?"


His face flushed slightly. "Can you..tell me some about you?"

"Uh..sure. But I'm not very interesting.."

"I-I'm sure you are..."

I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling.

"Well, my dad isn't around too much. Usually only when he wants something.

As you can tell, my brother is a jack ass, who only really cares about sex. He wasn't always like that, and I'm not sure what changed him. We actually used to get along great."

"I'd never guess that now.."

"Yeah. pretty much takes care of everything. She's kinda protective over me because she doesn't want me to be like Skyler. She's really pretty cool once you get to know her, but taking care of us is really stressful on her. She's 36, but she looks about fifty..I'm afraid she herself to death trying so hard to make a good life for us.."

I can feel tears come to my eyes, and I guess Eathen notices, because he leans over me and hugs me.

"You don't have to say any more, okay..?"

I can only nod, slightly shocked from him suddenly hugging me. After a moment of silence, he lets go of me and stands up.

"Anyway, it's almost ten. We should clean up."


Eathen takes off his shirt slowly..revealing his slim, smooth..soft-looking chest.

When he reaches for the button on his jeans, I start to panic.

"Eathen, what are you doing..?"

"Huh?" He looks at me and lightly blushes. "Oh uh..sorry, I'm used to being alone.." He says awkwardly.

Model (boyXboy) ***ON HOLD***Where stories live. Discover now