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The next morning, I woke up early so I could make it in time to the studio, since I have to walk there.

(Thank goodness it's close!!)

I entered the six story building, and was greeted by three pretty, and very nice girls. They took me to the third floor of the building, and now they're taking my measurements for clothes.

Devon walks in when we're half done.

"Goood morning, Eathen!"

"Morning, miss Rein."

"Oh,please..just call me by my first name. I feel old when you use my last name."


"It's fine dear. So," she turns to the ladies who are measuring me,

"How's it going?"

"Good ma'am. He's really small, for a boy. N-no offense, mr. Ray." The youngest looking girl states.

"It's fine, I'm used to it."

"Okay, please lift your arms to your sides."

I do as she says, and they measure my arms.

"Alright, we're done!" The oldest says.

"Great! Let me see the measurements, please" the middle girl hands her a clipboard with the measurements.

"Thank you! Now, please follow me, Eathen."

I follow Devon to the fifth floor, where she takes me into a room that seems to be a designing room.

"Wait right here."

She leaves for a few minutes, and comes back with a bunch of expensive looking clothes.

"I guessed what your size may have been, since I'm also in measurements at times. And since you don't seem to have much, I thought you might like some new clothes."

My jaw drops, as my eyes glance at the many different styles of clothes.

"So, you can pick out however many things you'd like. Based on what style you choose most, I'll eventually get you more clothes."

"B-but there are so many aren't just giving these to me, are you?"

"Sure am."

"B-but..Devon, a house already stocked with everything I need, and now's all too much!"

Her face softens, and she begins to look sad.

"Look, I'll be honest with remind me a lot of my little brother. I guess..he was actually more like a son to me, because I was the only one to take care of him. But he died when he was 5, in a car accident."

Her eyes begin tearing up, and I can't help but to hug her.

She continues, as she sobs on my shoulder, hugging me tightly.

"H-he was so important to me! And when I started talking to you, I noticed that you just somehow..seem like him. I don't know why, but it makes me want to take care of you.."

I pull away and look into her eyes.

"Devon, you really don't have to do any of this!"

"But I want to! Please, please let me take care of you some.."

After a few more moments of staring into her silver, teary eyes, I hug her once again.

"Devon, I've been living alone since I was ten. I...I really would like to have someone I could call part of my know I can't replace your brother, but I would like family.."

I state, pulling back from the hug once again, seeing her warm smile light up her face once again.

"Thank you, Eathen."

She stands up and wipes away her remaining tears.

"Now, pick out some clothes you like!"

I hesitantly walk over to the clothes rack, looking at everything lined up.

After a few minutes, I have about fifty outfits picked out; mostly consisting of black, red, or blue shirts, and multiple different colored skinny jeans.

Devon looks over my selections and snaps her fingers, as if she just realized something.

"Hey, I just thought of this..

Do beanies or any types of hats suit your interest? Or perhaps some converse shoes? Maybe platform boots?"

"C-converse..? Platform boots?!

Why are you asking?"

"Because based on the clothes you chose, I thought you may like those types of shoes. I'd like you to have more things you like.."

She murmurs, more to herself than to me.

"Th-they both sound cool. And I don't wear hats often, only when I need to."

She smiles again and rushes out of the room, soon returning with different colored converse shoes and boots.

I pick out a pair of black, knee high, chain boots, and a pair of black converse.

"Good. Now, we'll be transferring you to a school around here. Umm..what school did you used to go to?"

I look nervously at the ground.

"I..haven't been to school in seven years."

"Huuhh?! Well, you'll have to readjust to it, I suppose. And, you'll have to take a test in order to see if you qualify to be in the grade you should be in.

Considering that it's been so long, and you should be a senior..I think if you pass the test, it would be better for you to start as a sophomore or junior."

She sighs, before turning to smile at me once again.

"We should have everything ready by the end of the shoot tomorrow. Hopefully you can begin school again by Wednesday..perhaps Thursday.

Anyway, I'll have Cali, the limo driver from yesterday, take you home with your clothes. Please try to be here by seven tomorrow morning. We'll bring you straight up, so be prepared!"

"W-wait, his name is Cali?"

"Actually, it's Califer. He has quite a unique name..but it matches his attractiveness, in my opinion.

Anyway, he's waiting out front for you. Your clothes are already in the limo.

See you tomorrow, Eathen!"

"By Devon."

We wave to each other, before I leave and get into the limo.

When we arrived home, Cali helped me bring my things inside and put them into my closet. He left after, and I fell asleep.

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