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When I finally made it home, I just laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking. I've been here ever since.

'I love you!!!'

(Did he..mean it? But he..barely even knows me. Why would he-) *riiiinnng* my thoughts are interrupted by a phone call.


"Heyy it's Devon. Can you come in tomorrow morning for a shoot session? As long as you don't have plans, that is.."

"Yeah, sure."

"See you tomorrow then!!"

"Mhm. Bye Devon."

After hanging up the phone, I look at my alarm clock.

"10pm already? I should get to sleep so I don't look exhausted at the shoot tomorrow."

I lay down on the bed, thinking more about Jamie before finally falling asleep.

---------------next day-------------------

"Hey Jamie! You're looking beautiful in that tennis uniform!!" Devon shouts excitedly.

The uniform is pretty cute. It's a purple tennis training outfit. It's pretty comfortable too, but I just don't feel too into the shoot right now.

"Thanks." I state gloomily.

"Aww Eathen, what's wrong?"

"I need to you about something after the shoot, alright?"

"Sure. I'll be waiting in the dressing room."

"Eathen Ray, we're ready for you.l

"Okay." I follow the camera man out of the room and to a green room.

"This is a bit different from your other shoots, if you can't already tell. This room is basically a giant greenscreen. Since the weather isn't very good today, we couldn't use the real tennis court as we had intended."


"Now, I need you to pose as if you're about to hit the ball."

"Like this...?"

"Lower your right arm a bit. Thaaat's it."

Many poses and pictures later, I'm finally done and get to change. When I get to my dressing room, Devon's waiting there, as promised.

"Hey Eathen."

"Hey." I sit next to her on the black leather sofa.

" said you needed to talk, right?"

"Y-yeah. should I say this..?

Yesterday, someone was kinda going to rape me, I think. Remember that boy I told you about, my friend..?"

"Yeah..Hang on, he isn't the one who tried raping you is he?!"

"N-no! No. He saved me. But..I asked why he's so worried about me and he said...he said he..loves me."

"Ohh. Is that why you've been in your own world lately?"

"I guess. I just..don't know how to react to that. I mean..we're both guys, isn't loving another guy wrong?"

Devon scoots closer to me and places her hand on my shoulder.

"It's not bad at all. Some people don't agree with it, but that's their own opinion. You should be allowed to love and be with whoever you want, as long as they want to be with you too. What about you?"


"What are our feelings towards him?"

"I--I've never thought about it before..."

(To be honest..I've never been in love. But I wonder if it would be bad to tell her that...)

"Eathen remind me a lot of my little brother. He only fell in love once, with a guy. But he never wanted to admit it. When he finally confessed to the guy though, the guy turned him down..and spread it through the whole school. He was constantly picked on and bullied after that. He ended up...killing himself."

"What?! B-but...."

"Just..I believe you're a good kid Eathen. If you turn him down, please don't be too rough about it."

"I-I won't."

"But if you want to give him a's perfectly fine." She stands up and pats my back.

" I'm sure you'll choose the right thing."

"Thanks, Devon."

She leaves, and I change into my black 'mcr' t-shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.

-------skip to home----

As I get closer to my house, I notice that someone's standing outside of my door.


"H-hey, Eathen!" He runs over to meet me, smiling awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?"

"I uhh..just wanted to talk to you a bit."

"Alright, well...why don't you come in with me?"

"W-well...I'd rather say it..out here..."


"A-about yesterday..could you please..forget about what I said..?"

(Forget about..him saying he loves me? But--) "what if..I don't want to..?"

He looks at me with a shocked expression.


"What if..I don't want to forget..?"


"Listen. Were you...serious? Or did you just mean it in a friendly way.."

"I..." He looks down at the ground and I can see his face redden. "I was..serious."

(That's it...) I grab his hand and pull him down the sidewalk, away from my house.

"W-what are you...where are we going?"

" quiet and follow me, okay?"

(He thinks he loves me..let's see if he still feels that way after all of this.)

"I'm an orphan, but I used to have an older sister named 'Sisstre', and of course my mom and dad, who were both really young when they had us."

"Why are you--"

"Just..listen, alright..?" I interrupt. He nods in understanding.

"People have always thought I was a girl. My sister would always have me wear dresses and makeup too. Because of that, cross dressing has never bothered me. So much that my job requires it. When I was six, they were in a wreck. I lived alone since then, and never went to school. I lived in a run down shack, and did random jobs for my neighbors for food. The reason I moved here, was for this."

We arrived at the modeling agency.

"W-why are we here..?"

"I'm trusting you with my biggest secret. This is where I work. This place is what saved me from my horrible..lonely life."

"S-so you're..."

"A model. Right. Also, I'm a pretty straightforward person most of the time. I'm a complete mess of a person. Do you really like...this? This piece of..trash someone just happened to find and clean up...?" I ask, pointing at myself.

Jamie slowly takes a step forward and places his soft, warm hands on both sides of my face, making my teary eyes look at his face.

"I don't see anything wrong with you, Eathen. I still really you."

I feel the tears begin to fall.

"B-but..." He wipes away my tears with his thumbs, and slowly leans closer. "Don't cry. To're perfect.."

He comes even closer, his eyes moving from my own, to my lips, and back.

I know what's about to happen, but I can't bring myself to move away. Instead, I find myself closing my eyes.

I feel his warm breath brush on my close...when-- "Eathennnn dear!!!!"

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