Chapter 29- it's not going to be fine!

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Mrs Jill's PoV:
I have been thinking a lot recently, Annie and Ben spend a lot of time round here, it's like their second home plus they always seem happy when they can come and see Brennan and Katie, so maybe they would like to move in, only if there parents are ok with it. They are basically adults now so they wouldn't be much fuss.
I go round Mrs Katie's house to collect Brennan and Katie and to tell them the news.
Annie's PoV:
Once everyone has sat down for breakfast we see that Mrs Jill is there talking to my mum, waiting to get Brennan and Katie. Mrs Jill says "hi guys, I have been thinking, a lot, and I thought if your parents were ok with it, then you might want to move in, seeing as your round here so much anyway." I look at everyone shocked, this is amazing
"Seriously?" Katie says, just as shocked as I am.
"Yeah you would be no problem, you all act maturely enough and your practically adults now anyway." Mrs Jill replies.
"Thanks mum!" Brennan says. We then all hug her. I go to mum and give her puppy dog eyes while saying "mum, can I please move in with Mrs Jill."
"Yes Annie you can, come and visit me though."
"I will at least once a week, thank you." I pull her into a hug while she says.
"I'm going to miss you, my Annie is all grown up." I squeeze her tighter then she says "right Annie, come on, we better start getting your stuff packed." I smile then run off to my room with Brennan, Katie and Ben and we go through my stuff deciding what we want to take.
After half an hour we all have a break and get dressed and ready then bens mum comes so Mrs Jill asks her about the whole moving in thing. She agrees to it then we all scream with happiness before Ben has to go. Once we have said bye to him and he has gone, we go back to my room.
An hour and a half later, everything is packed. We all go downstairs and Brennan says "mum when will Annie be moving in."
"Um I don't mind, would tomorrow be too early." Mrs Jill says to mum.
"No that's fine." Mum replies. We hug them both once again then Mrs Jill says that Brennan and Katie need to go home. I hug them both before they go back to there house, soon to be mine as well.

The next day...
Annie's PoV:
Today is the day that I am moving in with Brennan and Katie. I am really excited but I guess it is going to be quite sad saying goodbye to mum dad and Hayley, I will visit them a lot though. I bring all my bags to the door then Hayley comes down and says "Annie, where are you going?" I sigh, I haven't told Hayley yet. "Hay, I'm going to live with Katie and Brennan." She looks down, her eyes watering, "so I'll be all alone, no you know Caleb." I frown then pull her into a hug and say "I'm sorry Hay, you still have mum and dad and I promise that I will visit at least once I week." I rub her back then she says "promise you will visit."
"I promise." I say just as the front door opens and Mrs Jill and Brennan are standing there. Mrs jill, mum and dad start loading the car. Suddenly Hayley starts crying. I frown but then Brennan picks her up. I rub Hayley's back while she cries into Brennan's shoulder. Dad then comes back in from outside and takes Hayley off of Brennan. I help the others finish putting my stuff in the car then come back inside. Firstly I hug all the dogs goodbye, then I hug dad who is no longer carrying Hayley, I then hug mum and lastly I hug Hayley. Just before I walk out the door I say "I'll visit you sometime next week, bye." They all say goodbye back then I walk to the car and Mrs Jill drives for home.

Once we arrive there I help everyone get my stuff out then we take it all to Brennan's room and start unpacking it. A short while later Ben arrives and Katie takes him off to her room where they sort out his stuff. Me and Brennan finish unpacking my stuff then I get ready for gymnastics which I have for the next 3 hours. I put on this leotard:

 I put on this leotard:

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