Chapter 51- little one

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Btw this turned out to be a really long chapter, sorry😂
Natasha's PoV:
My plan failed last night.
It was all going so well, Annie and Brennan both drank the drinks but then they disappeared, I'm guessing they went home, I'm going to have to try and get Annie back another way.

Annie's PoV:
"Brennan, what if something bad happened?" I say panicked, whilst we both get ready.
"We are just going to have to hope that it won't." Brennan replies.
My eyes start to water with fear so Brennan comes over and hugs me.
A few minutes later I wipe my eyes then we leave for school.

2 weeks later...
Annie's PoV:
At school:
Brennan and I are currently in science and sir is about to take apart a frog which I am not looking forward to.
He gets the dead frog out and puts it on the table which makes my stomach churn.
Before he starts cutting it open he says "before I start, if anyone needs to leave the room at any point or go to the toilets or even outside, please feel free to."
He then begins cutting it open, ew it is so gross.
It starts to make me feel ill until I can't take it anymore so I run out the room and go outside for some air.

Brennan's PoV:
Annie runs out the room from the sight of the frog so I go out as well to see if she is ok.
I see that she is outside so I run after her, then out of no where, she bends over and throws up so I hold her hair out of the way and rub her back.
Once she has finished being sick Annie stands back up and starts crying.
I pull her into a hug and say "Annie, there's no need to cry, it is just a little bit of sick."
Annie pulls away and says whilst crying "no Brennan there is a need to cry, my period is late and I have just been sick, Brennan, I think I'm pregnant."
I look at her shocked as she breaks down.
I pull her into another tight hug, still shocked that she could be pregnant.
I then take Annie to the nurse who sends her home.
I go back to science, thinking about what Annie said, what if she is pregnant?

Annie's PoV:
The nurse tells me that I should be picked up so I phone mum and ask her to pick me up.
She soon comes and drives me home, the whole time I am worrying about if I could be pregnant or not.
We eventually get home and I sit on the sofa with mum and say "mum, about 2 weeks ago, there was a party at school, I got handed a glass of water, but it tasted funny, I think someone spiked it or something and the same with Brennan because well we woke up the next morning, in bed, well, um, naked." Mum's face goes shocked as I continue. "Mum, my period is late and I have just been sick, mum I'm scared, what if I'm pregnant."
Mum doesn't say anything as she is clearly shocked.
I don't know if she is really mad with me or not.
"Mum, please don't be mad at me, it wasn't my fault mine and Brennan's drinks were spiked, mum please say something."
"Oh Annie." She says then pulls me into a hug. I start crying so she hugs me tighter then says "I'm not mad at you, it wasn't your fault. Before we get worried too much, shall we take a test." She says this calmly which I am surprised at, I thought she would be really mad at me for sleeping with Brennan.
I go upstairs with her and she opens a cupboard in the bathroom then hands me a pregnancy test.
She leaves the room as I pee on the stick then I go back out to her and we wait.
5 minutes later, I look back down at the stick.
It reads 2 black lines, positive, oh my gosh, I'm pregnant, this isn't happening.
I break down as mum hugs me.
"Sshh Annie, it is going to be ok, first we need to book a doctors appointment to make absolute sure. I will go and do that now." She kisses my head then leaves and phones the hospital, while I phone Brennan who has just finished school.
Annie- hey Brennan.
Brennan- hey Annie, how are you?
Annie- a bit better, I'm at home with mum right now and she is sorting me out, good old mum,
Brennan- ok, I will be home in about 2 minutes, see you soon
Annie- okay, bye.
Brennan- bye.
I hang up the phone as mum comes in and says "ok, someone has cancelled so the hospital have a free appointment in 20 minutes. You can wait for Brennan to come home then I can take you both if you like."
I nod my head then say "thanks mum." She hugs me just as Brennan, Katie, Ben, Ryan and Mrs Jill come home, oh god, now I have to tell Brennan that the test said positive.
I pull Brennan into our room and say straight away "Brennan, I took a test and it said positive, we are going to get a scan to make sure but it looks like I am pregnant." My eyes start watering, I'm pregnant at 16, I have been told so many times at school and in other various places, to always be considerate and safe, now what have I done. I'm a role model for so many people on YouTube, guess not anymore.
Brennan pulls me into a hug then says "Annie, there is no need to cry, if you are pregnant, we are gonna make great parents." I faintly smile then mum comes in and says we need to go to the scan so Brennan squeezes my hand then we walk to the car and drive to the hospital with mum.

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