Chapter 63- I missed you

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Annie's PoV:
After 2 hours of gymnastics, we finish at 5:00 so Katie and I pack everything up then wait for someone to collect us.
Soon mum comes and takes us home.
I open the door and just like yesterday I see everyone crowding around the sofa.
Oh no what's happened to Brennan now.
I quickly walk over and hear him saying things like, "where's Annie." "I want Annie." "I need Annie." "Annie!" He is saying them panicked and actually crying which is rare for Brennan, he never cries unless something is really up.
I walk closer and see that he is figiting on the sofa and panicking.
People are trying to calm him down, it pains me to see him like this.
Dad sees me and says "come on guys, let's go downstairs, give him a bit of room.
Everyone leaves then I walk over to Brennan who is really panicking and getting flustered.
"Brennan, it's ok, I'm here, look it's me." He sees me then says quietly and between cries "Annie?"
"Yes, it's me, come here." I reply.
Brennan sits up and I pull him into a hug.
I'm guessing it's the medication that the doctor gave him that is making him go like this.
As I hug Brennan I can feel that he is still panicked so I say quietly "it's ok Brennan, I'm here, right here." I feel his breathing slow down a bit, meaning that he is calming down.
I kiss his neck, pull away from the hug and sit down on the sofa next to him.
Brennan lies his head on my shoulder.
"Bren, what was wrong, why did you need me." I say, rubbing his head gently.
"I don't know, I felt weird, then everyone was bothering me, I wanted you." He says, starring into space.
"Well I'm here now and you're ok so that's all that matters." I say.
He looks up at me and says "I missed you."
I smile, I must say it's quite funny seeing Brennan a bit loopy.
"Aw, I missed you too." I say.
Just then, all the others come back up.
Mrs Jill mouths to me "is he ok now." I nod then smile.
Everyone goes back to doing their own thing while I switch the tv on and watch it with Brennan.
He soon falls asleep, bless him, so I go over to mum and Mrs Jill who are at the table.
"Hey Annie, are you ok." Mum says.
"Yeah I'm fine, just thought that I'd talk to you as Brennan has fallen asleep."
"Aw poor boy." Mrs Jill says.
"Yeah, I wonder what was wrong with him earlier." Mum says.
"I think it might have been the medication that the doctor gave him." I say.
"Oh yeah, I didn't think about that. "Said Mrs Jill.
"Well done Annie, I don't know what we'd do without you, especially Brennan after earlier." Mum says.
I laugh slightly.
"Yeah, I don't know how but you managed to calm him down somehow, he was going absolutely mad before you got here, thank you." Mrs Jill says.
I blush then laugh again.
"Mum, where is my history homework?" Ryan suddenly says loudly, coming out of his room.
This of course wakes up Brennan.
"Annie?" He says as he darts up from lying down.
I wonder why he needs me so much and not Mrs Jill or someone, it's strange but then I guess medication can make you like that.
"I'm here, hello." I say walking over to him.
He smiles once he sees me then I sit down next to him.
"Oh sorry Brennan, I didn't realise you were asleep." Ryan says.
"It's fine." Brennan says.
"Oh um, hey Brennan, I don't think you should go to school tomorrow, do you agree?" Mrs Jill says from the kitchen.
He nods then I remember that we do in fact have school tomorrow, ugh.
Mrs Jill interrupts my thoughts by saying that dinner is ready.
I help Brennan up then we both go to the table.
Each day Brennan is eating more and more so he is definitely getting better, even with this strange medication.
Once we are all finished I get ready for school then join everyone else in watching some tv.
At 10:00 Dad at mr Mike say we all need to go to bed to get an early night because of school and Brennan just needs an early night because he's ill.
The adults move downstairs so Brennan and I can sleep on the sofas.
We say goodnight to everyone then get onto the sofa together.
I think by now the weird effects from Brennan's medication have worn off so he is back to normal.
"Goodnight Brennan." I say, ruffling my hand through his hair.
"Goodnight Ans, love you." He replies.
"Love you too." I reply. I then kiss his shoulder before going to sleep.

The next day...
Annie's PoV:
Mum wakes me up for school quietly, making sure to not wake Brennan.
I get up and eat breakfast with everyone else before we get ready and leave.
Whilst I'm at school I start to worry about Brennan. If he has the same episode as yesterday, I might not be there in time today, I'm just going to have to hope that he's ok.

School drags on, just like usual and finally it gets to lunch.
I suddenly get a phone call from mum so I go outside and answer it.
Annie- hello.
Mrs Katie- hello Annie, sorry to bother you but Hayley has a dentist appointment so I am coming to collect her but Brennan is just like yesterday so would it be ok if I came and picked you up as well then brought you home because Brennan is out of control.
Annie- yeah but you are going to have to tell the receptionist because I won't be able to leave otherwise, just say I have a dentist appointment as well or something.
Mrs Katie- ok, I will, I'm just leaving now, see you soon
Annie- bye.
I hang up then get my stuff together.
Katie asks where I am going so I tell her then say "but to everyone else I am going to the dentist." She nods then I leave and go to the reception where Hayley is waiting.
"Annie, what are you doing here?" She says.
"Mum phoned me and said that Brennan is being like yesterday again so she said that she will take me home because he is out of control. But if anyone asks, I'm coming with you to the dentist." I say. She nods then we wait for mum to come.
After 5 minutes, she comes and signs us out of school.
Mum drives quickly back to the house then as soon as she reaches it, she drops me off before driving straight to the dentist with Hayley.
I open the door with the key I have and see dad sitting at the table, he looks like he was waiting for me.
"Ah, Annie." He says
"Where is he?" I ask panicked.
"Downstairs." Dad says, knowing what I'm talking about.
I quickly hug him then run downstairs.
When I get down there I see Brennan slumped against a wall, flustered, mum and Mrs Jill with him.
"Look Brennan, she's here." Mrs Jill says pointing to me.
Brennan looks up in hope then his eyes light up when he sees me.
He stands up, runs over and hugs me.
I hug him back tightly, rubbing up and down his back.
I see mum and Mrs Jill walk past to go upstairs so I smile at them, still whilst hugging.
Once they are gone I pull away from the hug and sit down on the sofa with Brennan.
"Annie, I'm so glad you're here, I wanted you, then they started pestering and annoying me, it all got too much, I just wanted you..." Brennan starts but I interrupt him and say "sshh, just calm down, I am here now so you don't need to worry anymore."
I put my arm around his waist and rub it while Brennan leans his head on my shoulder.
Suddenly he says "I'm gonna be sick." And darts upstairs.
I follow him as he runs into the bathroom and throws up into the sink.
I rub his back as he finishes.
"Annie, I don't like it, I want it to stop." Brennan says.
"It will Brennan, really soon, you've done so well you amazing boy, I love you."
"I love you too." He replies.
We hug each other once again then go back out and downstairs.
Brennan and I lie together under a blanket until the others get home.
Once they are back we both go upstairs and say hello to everyone.
Brennan starts to get a bit wobbly so I make him some good old lemon juice.
He drinks it as we sit at the table and talk to the others.
I don't have gymnastics today which is good because I don't think I can face leaving Brennan again.
It's really strange, Brennan seems to act pretty much normal around me, yet as soon as I leave, he gets worked up and panicked.
After dinner Brennan helps me with some homework as he understands stuff that I really don't.
Once I am done with my homework, we decide to sit outside because it is a reasonably warm evening.
We all grab a blanket each then go outside and sit on the sofas.
We all talk and eat some marshmallows, well Brennan doesn't because he doesn't have much of an appetite, but the rest of us do.
After a while I notice that Brennan is starting to shiver, no surprise considering he's ill.
I put my blanket on top of his, then get under them both with him and wrap my arms and legs around him to try and warm him up.
Once it reaches 10:00 we all go inside as it is getting too cold, especially for Brennan and we all go to sleep.

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