Pyrrha Nikos x male reader

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Requested by Brave_Vesperia

Pyrrha Nikos from RWBY


It's been five years since I last saw my popular friend leave on a Bullhead to Beacon. I'm not really a huge fan that thinks she's out of their league, I'm the type of guy who doesn't think about any rumors only see the book itself than looking at the cover, I just wished people around don't see her as nothing more than a super star. I haven't seen that girl for five years when she first gave me a kiss before departing off to Beacon.

"Hey sonny," A man called out catching my attention,"We're getting close to Beacon boy just seven minutes left."

I couldn't stop myself from shaking as we flew to Beacon, I'm not the best with flying up in the air knowing that a Nevermore could just take this thing down, but I'm happy to hear that I'm almost to Beacon. Remnant is a dangerous world for those that tries to build civilization in the wilderness, grimm are one of the problems that people were having trouble from the other was the white fang. I never really had the chance to see the world as it was after Pyrrha left, she was the one I wished I could have gone with, but not being a fighting type of guy I helped those in need of medical reasons.

My life as a medic was rough after I joined a small group of faunas and human community after Pyrrha left, we weren't the only ones that bonded like a colony there were others that build some villages around Remnant, but some of the faunas feared that those that took them in will take them out like trash. I glanced over at the cockpit and watched as one of the pilots flies the bullhead as the other maintaining the small switches on the navigation controls to keep us on course to Beacon. The pilot flying the bullhead glanced back over his shoulder then turn his attention back to flying the plane.

"So you looking to join the academy?"


"I said, you looking to join Beacon?" The pilot controlling the plane asked again, but this time a bit louder.

"No, just wanted to see an old friend that's taking classes at Beacon." I told the pilot of the person I was going to visit, his reaction was like most people that when I told him who the person was surprised and asked me to get an autograph for him, but the other pilot thumped him on the side of his head and told him to pay attention on flying than talking. I couldn't help but to laugh as the pilot shook her and told me to get ready as we were three minutes from landing at Beacon.

I pulled out my scroll and went through the images of me and a couple of people and faunas, some were my friends, I made, hanging around a with faunas in our group, we called ourselves the Mains De Liaison. Going through the images one stood out the most and caused me go search for it again. Finding that image was a breeze, but the image that I searched back for caused my heart to skip a beat, in the image was Pyrrha and me with a strawberry sour punch in our mouths staring at the camera with a smile on our lips. I almost forgotten that Pyrrha and I had been close so close to misjudge us as a couple.(is it me or are these words small than the others?)

I felt the bullhead slow down a bit, telling me that we're landing at a landing platform. In these moments I really hate flying in a bullhead, but when I'm out of this thing I'll stick to ground like glue.

When the back door opened I strolled out of the bullhead, doing my best not to run out like I saw something scary. With my feet on solid ground I let out a sigh of relief and raised a hand up to block out the sun. Beacon academy was what it name says about it, a giant tower in the center of the academy with buildings around it.

Male Readers x various female characters (one shot)Where stories live. Discover now