Chapter Three

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When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.

- Alexis de Tocqueville

Happiness was an unknown feeling. I felt a spark inside of me, and it made me want to smile. For once I looked forward too starting the day. As I walked out of the room, ignoring the comments was easier than smiling. The breakfast showed me that most things, are easier when you smile. I ate nesquick while adding happy music to my phone. It was all new too me. Happiness was such a beautiful thing. "Coma seems different," Connor mumbled from behind, fully aware I could hear him. "Who's that creppy guy stalking you, coma?" I just put my headphones on, feeling my self illuminate. "Sadly for you," I said, turning around. "I don't care what you say." I walked past him with a smile on my mouth, ready for this wonderful day to start.

"Brook?" I asked as I reached the tree. "Hey," he said, coming around from the other side of it. "Did you find that book yesterday?" He nodded. "Yeah, I did." I nodded back. We sat down against the tree. "Look," I said. I had to ask. "Did you pull out a book yesterday?" I bit my lip. He shock his head. "What book?" So he didn't do it. Who did? "No, nothing." I curled my legs up from beneath me. "When should we study next?" He sucked his cheeks inn, looking up. "It doesn't really work out tomorrow, but the day after that?" I nodded. "Yeah. Of course." I looked up as well, unsure what to say. "We should meet up in 5th period, I'm not to happy about P.E", he said. I bit my lip once again, couldn't believe I were saying this. "That actually doesn't work too great. I have some research to to." He nodded. It got awkward. "Lunch?" I asked, trying to fix it. He smiled. "Of course." I finally had someone too eat with.

P.E. did not turn out how I wanted. I wasn't the only one to skip it. Students all around, teachers all busy. I shouldn't be around the computer room, and I knew it. Yet I had to get one. My phone didn't have internet, nor did the children's home. This was my only shot. Still, being around the others with no teachers around, turned out too be a big chanse to take. "Look who's out in society," people said. "Coma's not in coma anymore." Appearently, everything didn't get easy just because I smiled. I tried getting into the computer room. "Where are you going?" they all said. "Doesn't the home for abadoned hoes have a computer for you?" "Yeah", I though. "Just no wifi". I tried walking away, but they circled around me. I should have stayed at my tree, with Brook. Safe and sound. They started pushing me, back and forth. Side to side, all around. I couldn't fight it. Once I stood still, someone pushed me. I ended up in the middle, laying on the floor. "What do you think?" someone said. "Should we take the chance?" The circle got smaller. "Punch her," people started saying. "Kick her." I curled together, making my self a ball. How came this had never happened before? They had hated me this much for five years. I guess they just all turned out to be around the computer room. "Do it." Just as I curled my self together like a ball, a voice stood out from the others. "Don't."

He helped me up, ignoring the looks. "Thanks, Brook," I said. People started moving, and we got into the computer room. I sat down in front of a computer, and he pushed a chair too the other side of it. He could see me, but not my screen. I had five minutes to find out as much as possible. "You don't have time for a lot of reseach, do you?" he asked. I shock my head. "We can eat here," he said. "if you want too." I shock again. "I'm good." I did not want to take that chance again. "We'll eat under the tree." I typed in demons on google. About 39,100,000 results. I turned off the computer just as the bell rang.

I was tired when I opened the book that night, yet I could not resist it. I took a big bite of the sandwich I had brought upstairs before I started reading.

I do not know how long I was there for, but it had darkened when they let me out. "Shall I?" There was two men. The one talking, was old, fat in the stomach and had brown long hair. The other one was blonde, tall and quite good looking. He nodded, and the old one ran away. "Follow me," the young man said. I started walking. "You will certainly be fine afterwards." I stopped straight away. Asking such a gentleman such questions was not good manners, but I had to. "After what?" I asked him. His answer I did not quite understand. "After the exorcism, when they are gone." I could not just go on with this. "After who is gone?" I asked. "The demons, ofcourse."

We went on, and he walked me into a church. The old one had changed into a priest's outfit, and he stood up at the alter with a big book in his hands. It was made out of leather, and the pages was old. "Welcome, welcome!" He shouted. "Let us drive out the one's that do not belong in such a beautiful peacefulness of belief." I was pushed on and on my way towards him. The horror filled me with good reason.

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