Chapter Four

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I stopped. "Please, come." He made hand gestures towards a bench put in the middle of the room. It looked rather scary, even though it was just a big, wooden bench. I stayed where I was. "Come on," he kept saying. The fat one. I did not move. "Get over here!" he shouted. The voice kept eccoing over and over again. It was so loud it hurt my ears, and I went towards him as compelled. "Lay down." His hands were still gesturing against the bench. I did not dare do other than what he told me to, and I laid down. He picked up a crusifix from behind. "Dear god," he started. "Please help me to perform this exoricm and drive out satan by your holy spirit." His eyes closed and he said it all a few more times. "Give me the stength to drive out the demons." I just layed there, not really knowing what to do. "Amen," he ended. I kept staring into the roof. He opened his eyes and put the crusfix down. I barealy jumped as he screamed out "Burn the evil away!" He dipped his hands into some water and drew a corse over my face and chest. It really burnt. A loud and horrifying scream escaped my troath. He drog the crusifix back up and mumbled. The louder he mumbled, the more it hurt. I believed my chest was on fire but I did not manage to keep my eyes open. It hurt really bad. He kept applying water, praying and mumbeling. Suddenly, the pain went away, and I relaxed. Was that it? But no. He looked suprised but went on. "Jesus I ask that you cast out any and all evil spirits in this body!" He screamed. Everything stated shaking and my whole body started to hurt again. The pain that had been inside of me for weeks grew stronger and stronger any secound and I kept screaming. It was awful. After what felt like an eternity the other man came and brought me upstairs where I got to sleep. I do not know what is going on. The pain got a bit better but is worse than before. I keep waking up because of nightmares that I do not remember. I tried running earlier but the door is locked. 

"Anston?" I looked up, finding myself way too addicted to the book. "Yes, mrs Janson?" Some people laughed around me, but I did not care anymore. "Christian rituals in the 1800's, Anston." I took my breath. "Excorism, mrs Janson." She stared at me. "Well that is one interesting answer, young lady", she answered. I raised my shoulders and kept my eyes on her. All laughter had died out. "What is excorism, mrs Janson?" Brook asked, but he was looking at me. "Excorism is a horrible and painful ritual used on ill people. Priests though that driving out demons this way would better the patient. It did not work, and most of them died after in shock and horror." Brook Andy. I actually did not even know his last name before now. This whole excorism thing intrested me. I really had to do more research. 

"And I thought I was stupid," Noel laughted at me as i walked out from class that day. His dark hair had way to much hair gel in it, and the pants sticking out from underneath his jeans, creeped me out. The rest of the jocks backed him up as they came out from behind. Brook gave me a worried look from his locker in the other end of the room. "Who said you were wrong?" I answered. Standing up against him felt so good. Noel's smile drained away. He pulled up the arms of his shirt. "As if you would ever hit a girl," Brook laughed as he walked past us. "I'll gladly hit you, Andy," Noel answered. "Neh, I'm not really too worried about that," Brook answered with a smile. It was clear he knew what he was doing. I smiled and followed him to French class.

"How comes," I heard from behind the tree as I took my lunch too it. "I have only known you for a week, yet I feel this close to you?" I sat down and he came down besides me. "I don't know." I started eating, but a smile grew on my lips as I felt him staring at me. I turned against him. "It might be because I feel as close to you," I suggested. I ate some pasta. He smiled. He had such a cute smile. "I don't really know you," he said. I looked him straight in the eyes. "What do you wanna know?" I asked him, and I put in a flirty undertone. "Favorite colour?" he asked. My eyes shock open. "Really?" He laughted. "No. Why does everyone call you coma?" I bit my lip looking down. What if it would ruin this whole friendship? What if he would think I was a total freak. It had happened before. When I was just the new girl I got some friends. I always scared them away with my story. "You sure you wanna know?" I asked him, still looking down. "Yes." I looked straight at him again. "Five years ago, a girl layed in the waitingroom at the hospital. Nobody had noticed her coming in. She was full of blood and it kept dripping on the floor, drop for drop. She was put into surgery straight away, and when she woke up weeks and weeks later, she did not remember anything." I swallowed. "And that girl was me. I don't have one single memory before that." He looked so suprised I though he would faint. Of course. Another one scared away by my creepy story. "And you still don't remember anything?" I was just as shocked and shock my head. "Not one thing." That was when he took my hand. He squeezed it, slightly smiling. I squeezed back. 

I was still daydreaming about him as I stepped inside the children's home. "There you are," Eliza smiled. "I really hope you are planning to eat dinner today or else you will die of hunger." I smiled. "Yeah, I am." I followed her to the table. Only a few ones were there yet. There was Amy: a total wallflower, but she still looked to have friends. Zack was here to. He was pretty nice, but a jock of highest degree. Allison smiled besides him. I knew they held hands underneath their table. Allison was the head cheerleader, and everyone though she lived in the big villa in front of the childrens home. Nobody lived there, so she had parties and invited people over there. Zack was too busy with football for anyone to think he would live here. Anna sat alone on the other end of the table. I sat down beside her. She were one of the bad, typical orphan children. Her skin was inked using fake ID, she had been drunk sereval times and she did not go anywhere without at least two packs of cigarettes. The dinner was served as the rest of the kids ran in. The moment of peace was over. Everyone pushed me as they walked by and comments came from everywhere. I raised up and left, allowing more comments to come. Later that night, the rest of my meal was outside my door. I heated it up in the micorwave and ate it in my room. "Thanks Eliza," I though. I listen to some music and layed down to sleep.

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