Lost Girl

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A/N: Song- Lost Girls by Tilly & The Wall.

Girl, I know the hall looks dark
And the storm seems kind of scary. Your face lit up on beads of lightening. And you start, you start running. And your eyes were light screaming. And since there is no end, and no beginning"

-3rd Person POV-

Thunder booms, the wind roars as the ship travels to it's destination. The ship rocks through the turbulent cyclone of water. When the ship shoots out and crashes into the sea. Once the ship steadies on the water, everyone lets got of the ship they had been clinging to for dear life. "Is that it?" Emma asks, looking at the piece of land coming into view. The young girl sits herself on the barrel and picks at her fingernails. "Hey" a woman's voice says causing the girl to flinch harshly. "thanks for coming?" Snow whispers gently to girl, hoping she doesn't flinch this time. "I didn't have a choice" she mumbles, not making eye contact with the older woman. "I know, but still..." Snow trails off not knowing what to say to the , the girl's eyes bore into Snow's for an answer as to why Rumple forced her to come. But Snow doesn't have the answer. "I don't know but you'll be alright." she promises the young girl who again looks at her fingers.


The silver hook wraps around the wheel of the ship "Why are you slowing down?" Regina asks Hook, annoyed "In case you didn't know my son's life is in danger." Regina says harshly. "Oh, I know my hotheaded queen. My plan is to bring us to the far side of the island, link up with the widest part of the river. Then we sail right through and take him by surprise." he smiles to himself "The irony"

"What irony?" Regina questions confused "Oh I spent more time than I care to remember trying to leave this place to kill Rumplestiltskin and here I am sailing right back into its heart with him as my guest of honor. It's not quite the happy ending I was hoping for."


Snow leaves the girl to talk to her daughter. The girl watches the exchange, when Rumple comes to talk to her. "As promised I took you away from your abusive parents." The girl flinches then nods and hands him a glowing magic stone. "Thanks Dearie." he says taking the stone. "Now what are you going to do with me?" she asks concerned as the ship lurches. "All in good time"


David watches wearily as he sees the girl flinch at Rumple's words. "I don't like this." He says to Snow. "I wonder why Rumple brought her, he didn't bring Belle." Snow comments "What bothers me is, that I don't know who she is, I don't think I've even seen her before." He adds Snow agrees she doesn't know where this girl came from or who she is.


The rock back and forth as David and Snow try to keep it steady. Regina joins them leaving the girl clinging to the rail of the ship. "What are you two doing?" Emma yells "Trying to keep it steady!" Snow yells back. "Hold on!" David yells. "Prepare for attack!" Hook yells, his words making the girl's heart sink. "Be more specific." Regina asks as she clings to part of the ship. The ship creaks and the wind howls. "If you've got a weapon then grab it!" Hook yells helping David with the wheel. The girl covers her ears at the screeching noise. "What's out there!? A shark?! A whale?!" Emma yells "A kraken?!" David offers "Worse." Hook supplies



"Why did we leave them?" the girl asks moving closer to Rumple as she hears a howling in the distance. He says nothing as he leads them into a make shift campsite. The girl gasps in horror as she says a dead man laying on the ground. She takes a step back as she sees a woman crawling on the ground with an arrow sticking out of her back. She watches as Rumple walks to the injured one. "So where is he?" he says, seemingly not caring about the woman's condition "Henry. Now. Now. I can help you speak." He says bending toward the woman, the girl watches in amazement as Rumple makes the arrow disappear cause the woman to gasp in relief. "Thank you: the woman says "Where's Henry...they killed him?" Rumple questions "I don't think so, I told him to run, and he did " she woman says, look up at the man. "Where?"

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