Crystal Promises

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A/N: Episode 03 x 20: Kansas

-Megan's POV-

Slowly feeling comes to my body....

I move my head.....

I fight my eyes to open...and I'm in a dark room....

As my eyes adjust I notice a video camera in the corner. I'm in the farmhouse. My stomach sinks "Peter?" I call out, I groan as a sharp pain travels through my head. "Aw does it hurt?" That voice "Zelena!" I say wincing at the pain. "The time has come for me to take your magic. This is going to take a while." She says holding her hand above my chest. "Peter!! I scream as a pain I've never felt before surges through my body. I scream in pain. Suddenly it stops and I'm left weak.

I see something glowing in Zelena's hand. My vision starts swimming and I feel myself fading in and out. "Such a lovely crystal of magic you have sweetie." She remarks before everything goes black.

-Pan's POV-

"So it's the Savior's power that can defeat Zelena" Robin says making conversation as we walk the streets of Storybrooke, I feel I chill up my spine. "Robin, Pan! It's Megan she was taken!" Leroy informs "By whom?" Robin asks as doom fills my heart "My son, Rumplstiltskin" I say then I teleport myself to my room and to my horror, the closet is indeed open and no sign of Megan. I fall to my knees, as Robin bursts through the door. "I locked her in here to protect her, and she still got taken." I say sadly "Mate we'll get her back, let's go find Regina she'll know what to do." Robin reassures

-Rumple's POV-

"There. That'll do. You said it yourself 'Spinning clears your mind'."

Using magic she transforms the spun gold threads I've made into a brain made of solid gold. Zelena opens a basket. Inside is Charming's sword hilt and Regina's heart and a flower shaped crystal. Carefully, Zelena places the brain inside. "There's just one more ingredient to collect" She says smirking "That crystal?" I ask

"It's all of Megan's magic. Oddly the girl isn't dead but she's in a vegetative state. I guess the last person who took Pure Magic from someone did it wrong." She says, not worried. I bite my tongue wanting to reveal that Megan can still be saved but if I did that she'd no doubt kill the girl now.

-3rd Person POV-

"There, dig." Zelena instructs "You think I'll fail." She comments "I think destiny is destiny." Rumple remarks making Zelena laugh "You're wrong. I can change it." She says as she places the brain in a bowl "Once I fix the past, my mother will keep me, Regina will never have been born, and I'll get everything she'll ever had." The enchanted heart in a bowl standing opposite to the brain, "With the right ingredients I can do anything. " She remarks proudly "Whether it works or not, is irrelevant, dearie. Because no matter what you change of your past, one thing shall remain the same Who you are. And that is a fate, you can never escape." Rumple explains as Zelena places the sword hilt and the crystal flower in another bowl. "We shall see."


Meanwhile at the General Hospital in Storybrooke, Mary Margaret is in labor and David tries to comfort her. "It's gonna be okay." David soothes "Is it?" She asks nervous "Our baby's gonna be fine. It's never going to leave your arms. I don't care who's out there." David assures "That's what we thought last time" Mary-Margaret recalls "Yeah, but this time we have someone else on our side." David says knowingly while, Emma and Regina encircle the room with a protection spell. "You really think this protection spell will be enough to hold her off?" Emma questions "It depends, if your brand of magic is stronger than hers. If it is, no one wielding dark magic will be able to get in here." Regina explains "That doesn't sound like a vote of confidence." Emma says skeptically "It isn't, but we're out of options." Regina sighs

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