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-Pan's POV-

"Cuckoo!" I call out, waking Henry up. "Wake up Catch!" I say tossing a red apple to the boy. He sits up and looks at me "I don't like apples" he says as I walk closer with the crossbow in my hand. "Who doesn't like apples?" I ask, not really curious. "It's a family thing" he says this causes me to chuckle. "Well don't worry there not for eating." I assure as I sit on a tree root. "It's for a kind of game, a really fun game."  I raise the cross bow to  his face, the point of the arrow barely missing his nose. "I call it target practice"


I smirk as I find my target, I watch the girl through the trees, she thinks she's so clever, hiding from me. It actually is smart where she hid, but I'm smarter. How did she get up there with her leg in that condition. I huff she probably made it worse now. I would make my move but I can't keep Henry waiting. I'll have to bring her something to eat, she can't hunt in her condition. I roll my eyes as I turn towards camp. She's such a weakling. I scoff "Pathetic." I turn and look back, a small smile forms on my lips before I continue walking away.


"What's that?" Henry asks walking over to me, as I dip the tip of an arrow in the black dust. "Dreamshade, it's a nasty poison" I answer, I  blows on the now poisoned tip to get the extra poison off. "We have a story here about a man who once shot an apple off his son's head with an arrow" I say, as I load the poisoned arrow into the crossbow. "Let's find out if it's possible" I say

If you're shooting the apple what's the poison for?"  Henry questions as I look through the scope of the crossbow. "Motivation not to miss." I say simply "Felix! Get over here!" I call out to the blonde lad. "Is-is Felix good? Is his aim good?" Henry asks, his voice cracking in fear. Aw little lad, I mentally scoff. "Doesn't matter, you're the one who's doing the shooting." I say, turning the crossbow over to Henry.  "But I-I don't want to shoot." He says reluctantly taking the crossbow from me.

The Lost Boys start chanting "Shoot" I see Henry cracking under pressure. "You wont hit him. Trust yourself, go on." I encourage Henry as Felix places the apple on his head. He unsteadly raises the crossbow. I silence the chanting Lost Boys. He aims but I know what he's really thinking. At the last seconds Henry turns his aim toward me, but I'm too quick I effortlessly catch the arrow in my grip.

The Lost Boys start cheering and laughing, confusing Henry. "Told you it was exhilarating ." I say lowering the arrow. I take the crossbow from him "Come on I have something to show you."  I say leading him away.


-3rd Person POV-

The girl rests in a cave behind a waterfall. She learns her head against the cave wall. Her vision swims occasionally. Pain radiates from her ankles in waves. She unwraps the leaf from around it. It looks even worse, cause now the bite from the wolf is now infected as well. At this point it won't take long for the infection to go to her heart she thinks bitterly to herself. Her brown hair falls in her face. Who was that boy? She finds herself blushing at how close he was to her.

She stops the smile from spreading across her face. She looks down to her arms, and pushes up the sleeves of her shirt. She eyes the numerous scars, some caused by her parents and their drunken friend, and the rest caused by herself. She shakes her head to rid herself of the memories.

Suddenly a box appears at the mouth of the cave. When she opens it she sees fresh bandages, medical cream, a water bottle, and some food. She peers around through the gap from the water. She doesn't see the green eyes staring back at her.

-Pan's POV-

"Look at the fun they're having, the thing of this place Henry. Is that no one ever tells you no. You can do what ever you want" I explain as we take a seat "They never hurt themselves?" Henry questions shocked, I let out a chuckle "All the of time. At one point I had four boys with missing fingers. Cost of the game, they didn't mind." I say jerking my head as I spoke. "I don't belong here." Henry says bluntly, I place my hand on my knee "Actually, you do. We've been waiting for you for a very long time, Henry. Long before you were even born." I say truthfully. "I don't believe that." I scoff at him "You should, this place runs on imagination, on belief. But your world stopped believing. Magic is dying, and you, Henry, need to save it." I say

"In my world, you mean"

I scoff "In every world" I correct. "You need to bring it back, that's your destiny. To return the magic, to be the savior." I say looking around. "My mom, Emma is the savior not me." Henry says,  I scoff "Yeah, she broke some curse, yeah?" I say, I smirk as I see a look of confusion spread across his face. "Oh I know more than you think. But what if breaking the curse wasn't the thing that made her the savior? What if having you was? Think about it, you're descended from the greatest of light and of dark. What do you think it's a coincidence that the spawn of the dark met your mother? You were created for a reason and I can help you find it."


After a tense moment I leave Henry, I find myself at the water fall where that girl is. When I'm in the cave I see her shivering from the cold floor. I look at her ankle it looks nasty but better than before. I'm glad she used the box I sent. I touch her shoulder to feel that she's burning up. The infection must be spreading. I carefully take her in, her breaths are too slow. I pick her up and teleport us to my tree house, gently I lay her on the bed.

What do I do? What do I do? I pace the floor. Oh, I wet a cloth with cool water and place it on her head. Her bright red infected ankle catches my attention. I carefully remove the bandage. It smells worse than before! This won't do, I heal her ankle. Wait why do I care? I look at the girl as if she burned me. I leave my tent in a huff. Damn that girl.

I look up as I feel his presence, I grab that thing, the thing I've kept for all these years. I put it so he finds it but alas he sets it on fire. Hmmm it seems my son still hasn't forgiven me. I save the doll from the flames and once again put it on in his path. I smirk when he looks around for me. He sticks the doll in his jacket and continues on his way.

I follow at a distance. "I wonder if he killed her yet?" he mumbles to himself, he laughs "the poor girl probably got eaten." is he talking about Miss. No-name? I wonder, she did appear at the same time as Rumple and the Savior. If that's true she's against me. I continue to watch Rumple "Well anyway the next time I see her alive I'll kill her. I got what I needed from her, and I earned her trust because I took her from her abusive parents."

What did he need from her? Abusive Parents? That could be was she's so untrusting. I decide to make my presence known. "It seems you know quite a lot about my new toy." I say "It's you. You have the girl?" He questions "That I do" say raising an eyebrow. "I hope for her sake you keep her safe, because the next time I see her will be the last." he says, I hide my confusion
"And why is that?" I ask sitting on a tree stump. "Wouldn't you like to know, Oh and she knows about you being a demon, so I'd keep your identify a secret unless you want her to run away." He says before disappearing to the far side of the island.


When I get to my treehouse I see her stirring. When she wakes up she moves to get out of bed but her limbs are still weak. This time I don't let her fall I catch her "Easy there, Bambi." I say holding her, I realize I can feel her bones. Are all girls this skinny? I don't think so. "I'm going to name you Bambi. So now you have a name, and if you're lost, you're in the perfect place." I say to the small girl. "I know who I am, I just....never liked it. My name is Megan but I've heard my parents scream it on a daily basis. I just don't like it anymore." she explains. "Well no one is going to yell at you here?" I say softly. I press my hand against her forehead. "You're still warm go back to bed." I order and she listens "Goodnite Bambi." I say "Wait what's your name?" she asks

"Oh and she knows about you being a demon, so I'd keep your identify a secret unless you want her to run away."

"It's a secret"

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