Chapter 15

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She opened her eyes when Coco removed the blindfold. Andromeda was standing in front of a group of what she assumed to be the other cyborgs, although their mechanical parts were much more clunky and obvious than hers. A glance at what they were holding sent her into defensive mode: from the smallest almost-toddler to the oldest adult, each cyborg was bearing a gun.

"Relax, Annie," Coco grinned. "They're not pointing 'em at you."

Andromeda surveyed each recruit and determined that, indeed, they seemed pretty passive. "Do I live with these people now?" she sighed.

"She's quick," one of the boys commented. He was leaning on a sofa, and he got up quietly when he saw her staring at him. "Yeah, you live with 'these people' now. You're one of the Rebels now. Coco saved you, didn't he?"

"I guess," Andromeda murmured.

"No guessing. He did. And this is how you repay him. Otherwise they can tout you off to the government labs if that's what you'd rather do." That was the girl next to the boy who had first spoken.

Andromeda raised an eyebrow, staring unflinchingly into the girl's eyes. "Never said I didn't want to be here."

"Guys, stop being so mean to her," another girl, this one with black hair in a pixie cut, reprimanded, smiling. She pranced over and stuck an artificial arm out to Andromeda. "I'm Janine. You're...Annie?"

Andromeda shook the hand being offered. "Just Anne."

"Okay, well they're Ophelia and Jack. Jack's kind of our captain here," Janine said, glancing back at Jack.

"Sergeant," Andromeda muttered.

Jack tipped his head, smiling subtly. "She knows."

Andromeda looked around for Coco, but he'd long since left her, and now she felt exposed and uncomfortable in this new setting by herself. With calculated movements, she walked over to the sofa and plopped down beside Ophelia.

"You get your gun tomorrow," Jack said, looking over at her through his sandy blonde hair. "Your weapon, anyway. Some of us have--Janine, show her."

Janine raised her cyborg arm and curled her fingers into a fist forcefully; a grenade launcher slid into place, resting above her hand and forearm. She wiggled two fingers at a peculiar angle, and they split from the palm of the hand to reveal the barrel of a gun, just barely smaller than the finger that had just been there. "It's a raygun," Janine told Andromeda. "Doesn't look like much, but it'll kill you in a shot." Janine blinked and everything went back to its original configuration.

"Modifications," Jack grinned. "That's why the government hates us, I guess. We're easily turned into weapons of mass destruction."

Andromeda swallowed. "I'll stick to a gun, thanks."

Jack chuckled. "Don't say that until you see the armory."


All the cyborgs eventually introduced themselves to Andromeda. Of course, she remembered all of them, but she purposely messed up on Ophelia's name a few times just to irritate the blonde-haired girl. Ophelia and Jack seemed to be brother and sister, considering their resemblance and the fact that they seemed permanently attached to each other.

Everyone slept in the same room, in rickety old cots that were fast falling apart. As Janine led her to the sleeping quarters, she grinned at Andromeda apologetically: "Not exactly luxurious, I'm afraid."

"It's fine," Andromeda replied. "Where do I sleep?"

"Well, we only had ten you, that's fifteen people. A few of them share beds--I mean, you could sleep with me, if you like. Otherwise, it's the floor."

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