Fizzing Whizbees part 2

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The chilly air of the passageways did nothing for Severus' temper as he made his way to the headmasters office. He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he hardly noticed the Malfoy boy coming up to him until he was almost toe to toe.
This could be useful.
"Mr. Malfoy. Go and find your transfiguration professor, have her meet me at the headmasters office. Then find Madame Pomfrey and have her meet us there as well." He paused and eyed the boy... "then..." He almost wanted to send him to Potter... Draco could be discreet but... no "to your dormitory, I expect that parchment on the uses of crystallized Belladonna as a substitute for valerian root in tea for the calming of nervous conditions on my desk by the morning." Draco looked a bit taken aback at the idea "I've already finished it sir" He lifted the books he was holding "I was returning the rest of my research materials to the library when you stopped me sir."
Snape smiled, Malfoy really was an excellent student, almost as good as that know it all Granger "Very good, you may return the materials after fulfilling my commands. Aaaand don't ... dawdle" the boot made add is to argue but and arched brow put an end to it "yes sir" Malfoy said.
Severus watched the boy go, making his way at a smart clip. He nodded once and continued towards Albus' office. How could she? He still had the vision of Harry's battered and scared back in his mind, blistered, angry raised skin raw and bleeding in places from the whipping... 4 years old... who does that to a toddler? All Severus could see were green eyes filed with tears... and fear.
He was at Dumbledore's office faster than he expected and so was Minerva. She was waiting for him in fact.
"Professor Snape, I just saw young Mr. Malfoy. He was quite insistent that I met you, here. Now. I have a goodly amount of papers to..." she broke off when she looked up "Severus..." she reached out her hand and laid it on his wrist "are ya alright?" Her accent going a bit thicker in her concern.
Severus made a nose in this throat and closed his eyes tight "I will explain the situation when we have the ear of the headmaster." She nodded, gave his wrist and tiny squeeze and let go. "Fizzing Whizbees" Said McGonagall adjusting the broach on her robes... she had a feeling she wasn't going to like what she was about to hear. "I think I'll wait for Poppy down here. Severus, you look like you have something to say to him that might be best said without an audience. Send me an elf when you're ready, we'll come up then"
Severus sighed Minnie was right, she usually was. Up he went.
Albus Dumbledore was sitting in the corner of the room on a pile of pillows under the skylight reading a book. He looked so relaxed that Severus, who was already angry, felt his fingers clutch. How dare he be so comfortable when Lily's child had... no, how could the old wizard even know. No! He should have known, he should have checked on the boy! He steadied his breathing. Snape started forward and cleared his throat. Professor Dumbledore looked up and the smile that had begun to lift his lips died when he saw his Potions Masters' face. He closed his book and stood "I can see, by the look on your face Severus, that you have a matter of some import to discuss."
"Indeed, I've just finished a rather telling occlumency session with Harry Potter..." Albus sighed and and set about his usual efforts to convince Severus to keep up with the tutelage. This fueled Severus' rage even further "Tell me, Albus" Snape growled interrupting "tell me you were ignorant. Tell me you didn't know. Because-and I swear this to be true-that if you left him there and you knew... KNEW of the treatment of that child... Lily's Child! ANY CHILD! and did nothing to help to protect him" Severus could hardly see he was so angry. So over come with memories, Potter's yes, but his own as well. Abuse, neglect... despair... "How could you Albus? I trusted you!" Severus clutched his fingers and waited daring only then to look the Headmaster in the eye. He saw hurt, confusion and... something
"What did you see? What's happened?"
Severus didn't know how to explain to someone how it felt so he stalked to the pensive... and drew his wand he carefully selected the memory of the whole session with Harry from that day aging it to the pensive then turned "There, see for yourself " Albus had followed him and his face had gone ashen... but he entered the memory.

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