Frozen Horrors part 3

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When Albus Dumbledore looked up from the pensive his already pale skin was moon white. He turned, shaking, from his desk and emptied the contents of his stomach into the bin near it.
"Merlin... what have I done?"
This did little to calm Severus "I'll ask you... yet again-tell me you knew nothing?!" The anger in his voice was almost tangible and his magic was so turbulent it was shimmering just above his skin.
Dumbledore looked up shaking his head "No, I knew he was a bit unhappy..." He ran a hand over his face "but I never guessed" Albus sighed. "Where is he now?"
Snape growled "Potter is in the classroom we were using. I've sent for Poppy and Minerva." Severus pinned the older wizard with an icy glare and snarled "He can't stay there. I won't allow it!"
If it were possible for Albus to get paler he did... "Oh, Severus... I "
Snape smiled and it was chilling. "I won't allow it." This time it was said softly. Dangerously.
Severus called an elf and had it collect the witches waiting down the stairs.
They entered upon the scene of an extremely angry Snape and a weary Dumbledore.
Minerva was the first to speak "Not that a staring match betwixt two such accomplished gazers isn't absolutely thrilling, but I imagine that we were sent for with such urgency for something a bit more... well, urgent.?"
Minnie crossed her hands in front of her and fixed them both with her 'that'll be enough, boys' look. As always it worked as if charmed (perhaps it was...) and Severus began to explain. By the time he was finished McGonagall was sitting still, looking stoic and Madame Pomfrey had her hand to her heart and looked determined. They deemed the pensive unnecessary. Perhaps they simply didn't wish to witness what they had just heard.
Everyone pinned Dumbledore with at least a questioning look. The wizard in question shook his head. Poppy spoke first "Well, I'll notify child services and begin the proc-" Dumbledore interrupted her "No."
Three heads whipped simultaneously but it was McGonagall, adjusting her seat, who asked "what do you mean 'no' Albus? I see no reason to wait. The paperwork won't disturb Potter durring his classes and I'm sure we can find a suitable fam-" Dumbledore waved his hand and said "he must remain in the home of his blood relations, with family. " He couldn't even look up.
Snape was livid
"What? I don't understand... Why? Because of the blood wards? We can cast others. We can move him around. Anything is better... than... than that place. "
Madame Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall both nodded their agreement and Dumbledore looked broken. "I believe the only reason Voldermort had not gone after Harry ay home is that he cannot find Harry because of the counter curse his mother set. I believe it still protects him as long as he still calls his aunts house his home... " Dumbledore looked up, he couldn't even finish. Snape was beside himself, "no... he can't go through that again. Not again, not even one more day!" His mind was racing "There must be something"
"As long as Harry Potter is under age and still calls his aunts house home, I'm afraid there is not."
Snape growled under his breath "There is always something."

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