Molten Memories part 4

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Draco Malfoy really was a good kid. Sure he was raised by a bigoted, racist father. But... he was a good kid. He was respectful of his elders, attentive to his studies. And he was beginning to understand that his father's ideas just... weren't right. If having mixed blood (he refused to use that awful word now, even in his head) produced witches and wizards like that Granger, then that idea, well it was obviously wrong on is face. She was out pacing him in almost everything! The fact is, it's always Draco and Granger in the top slots! Since first year! She was brilliant, and an annoying know it all, but brilliant.
It was deep in thoughts like these that Draco took a left when he should have taken a right, though not by accident. No, it was to avoid the Slytherin common room. He was trying to put some distance between himself, Crabb and Goyle. True, they were his friends but they just wouldn't give up the ideas of "blood purity".
As Draco was ambling down the seldom used corridor by his head of house's rooms, when he heard soft voices in one of the unused potions classrooms. He looked in and was surprised to see Harry Potter and a house elf talking quietly.
He'd wanted to be Potter's friend ever since that day in Madam Malkin's shop. Before he ever knew who he was. Draco liked him from the very beginning. Maybe he could try again.
Malfoy pushed the door open slowly and cleared his throat. "Hullo... P- Harry" when Potter turned it was easy to see he was upset, and a little ill. He was pale, his eyes were too wide and there were dark circles under them. "Are you alright?" He didn't have to fake his concern, he had taken a hurried steps before he realized he was next to the other boy.
Potter, on the other hand was in no mood for any more strife "Malfoy?!" Harry groaned "What are you doing here? I don't, can't take any more-" Harry broke off in surprise as the Malfoy boy came up and laid a tender hand on his forehead then used his wand to stoke the fire and transfigure a napkin into a blanket. He then asked the house elf, politely, to bring hot chocolate and treacle tart. Malfoy stammered a bit at Harry's surprise when the elf left... "I uh, I... I've seen you eat that... a lot and" Draco pulled himself up straight. "I like it as well..." Potter was wondering if someone had polyjuiced into Malfoy. Apparently, he murmured "polyjuice" because Draco Malfoy gave Harry a half grin and said "No chance, Scar Head, it's really me." He got a bit serious " it's just, I don't want to fight any more. I don't see the point, really." Harry looked at him wearily "Yeah?" The grey eyed boy nodded "Yeah... are you okay?"
Harry looked down and his lips thinned to almost nothing. "I really don't want to talk about it" Draco nodded, just then the tray popped into the table with enough for the both of them. So they each sipped their hot chocolate. They sat in silence enjoying their chocolate. And even though it was Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, it wasn't tense or awkward. It was just two young wizards, sitting quietly. It was nice, Harry thought, to just sit and be.
The fire grew low and the hot chocolate and treacle tart were consumed by both. It was getting late and they had class tomorrow. Harry had to wait for Snape, but Draco didn't. (When had the git become Draco??) And Harry stated as much. "It's alright, I'm not ... I don't mind waiting with you" Draco took a deep breath, trust builds friendships... "and... I don't want to go back to the common room yet" He looked up to see what Harry's face would hold. Mostly, it was curiosity "Wha... why? I thought you were the prince of Slytherin?" He didn't spit it out like he usually did, he just asked. And so the Malfoy boy explained. How he was forming his own ideas about blood purity and how it seems to make no sense, how 'waring with our own kind is ridiculous and incredibly disturbing' and how unpopular that idea was proving to be with his 'friends' And how much he had wanted to be friends with him in Madam Malkin's but hadn't known how to be and then had bollixed it their first day at Hogwarts. How he knew what Lucius Malfoy was but that he doesn't know how to help his father change his mind.... Realizing that he had been talking for longer than he had planned he looked up at Harry.
Harry looked... gobsmacked.
"Do you mean all of that?" He needed to ask, but he suspected-no he was certain that Draco meant it. He let his eyes hold that certainty, he didn't want to hurt of offend Draco.
"Yes" it was simple and soft.
Harry's smile was small, he lifted his hand and said: "Hi, I'm Harry, Harry Potter." Draco looked at it and grinned and took it "Hi Harry, I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy."

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