11: 2pm is crazy

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"Chanyeon! I'm leaving!" I hear and I give her a thumbs up.

I turn over and close my eyes to continue my nice dream I'm having, but I can't seem to fall back asleep.

I get up and pee, and wash my hands and then lay down and check my phone quickly. Youngjae texted me, but I'll read it later.

I fall back asleep, and then wake up from my alarm clock at 10:30. I get up, get dressed in a suitable outfit, one a little warmer because it's starting to turn into fall, and put on socks and shoes.

I grab my phone and headphones, and put my headphone under my sweater and then have it hang over my color of my sweater.

I put my phone in my pocket and eat some breakfast and then sit on the couch on my phone.

I go through my social media and then look at Youngjaes text.

youngjae: good morning channnniie ill see you soon, but i hope you have fun at your job today.

I smile and text him back and thank you and then grab my photography things and my bag and leave the house and lock the door.

I get into the car and drive to the location I was sent by Junhyung and get out of the car once Im there.

I walk over to the people, and Junhyung greats me.

"Good morning, Chanyeon. Here's a hot chocolate, I wasn't sure what coffee you liked so I just got you this." Junhyung hands me a very hot, hot chocolate.

"Thank you, Junhyung." I smile and take a sip. It warms my throats and I smile at the feeling.

"The boys are running a little late, but I'll show you what concept it is today, and why we're at this abandoned building." He says.

I nod and he shows me the outfits and the places we're filming, and the concept.

"The boys are here. Would you like to meet them before they get dressed?" Junhyung asks. I nod and we leave to see them. 

We walk up the the group of boys, and they're with Junhoon.

"Oh boys! This is Chanyeon, the photographer!" He says.

"Hello." I bow politely to them.

"Hello." They nod to me and smile.

"How old are you?" Taecyeon asks.

"Twenty." I smile. They smirk and nod.

"You probably should get ready if we want to get done on time, I'm going to set up my camera." I say, then walk around and set up my camera.

They get ready and about 20 minutes later we are all ready to start. I quickly make pairs and take the photos.

The boys seriously cannot stay still, I swear. I take so many pictures and we're done about 2 hours earlier and I go home and eat everything I can.

We should really go food shopping soon, we're low.

I sit on the couch and go on my phone. Ohh, I got paid from my last photoshoots.

Holy shit that's a lot of money.... Way more than I thought.

I go on my Instagram and upload some pictures, updating the people who follow me for my photography.

'make a youtube channel, id watch 100%'

'i heard your going to tour with got7'

'video tape your tour with got7'

'you and hyunjae should make a youtube channel. she could post dance covers and her and got7 training in the studio and you can post your photoshoots and little small clips of scenery and things.'

Huh, that could be cool. Post and editing videos on a YouTube channel. And we could get a big fanbase, and that could help GOT7.

Maybe we should do it. I'll have to ask Hyunjae soon.

The the door opens, Hyunjae gets home. I shouldn't ask her just yet, and I don't even know if she'd do it.

"How was your first day?" I ask when she shuts the door.

"A lot of dude smell, and children." Hyunjae says. I laugh and she walks upstairs. She's probably really tired.

I am too. I lock up the house turn off the lights and then walk to my room. I take a shower and then put on some shorts and a hoodie.

I have nothing going on tomorrow, maybe i'll go walk around take pictures.

hayden you should protect me, seeing how you'll be seeing it with me

I didn't jump once and Edens freaking out
- hayden

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