Before We Begin...

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Hi everyone!

Welcome to my Trevor fan fiction!

Now if you seen my little ad thingy (not really) then you would know why I'm a little anxious about this one.

Not only is Trevor way over age but this is going to mean that you are going to have to be older than you are right now.

So if your 12 or something, you are going to be 29 years old. Trevor is going to be 45 at least.

Now let's go over the basic shit.

🛵Criminal activity. This is GTA.

🛵Foul language; read at your own risk!

🛵Trevor can be sexual at times, so if you aren't into that, leave.

🛵I suggest 16 or up should read this.

🛵Through out this story, we will be SCOOTER BROTHERS!! Really scooter sisters...

🛵NO TRIKEY!!! Gawd I hate that ship!

🛵I can't think of anything else right now.

Okay I'm going to start writing! Enjoy!


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