Saving you (part 2 of if courage is love, then you are so brave)

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James's POV

Riley was sitting in the front seat of my car, playing with my phone in her hands. Not playing a game, shifting it from hand to hand. We were heading to the hospital, but she refused to leave if she wasn't with me. She hadn't spoken yet. She just nodded or shook her head. I kept glancing over at her, making sure she was alright. When I glanced over her for the millionth time, I saw her typing in the passcode to my phone, 10/03/97. Her birthday. I still hadn't changed it. When we started getting serious, I had set it, telling her it was the best day of my life, because that's the day she came, and that's the day I was destined to fall in love with her. I looked back to the road, not wanting to get in a car accident. I heard voices, and I knew she was playing some of the videos on my phone. Most of them were us, kissing, cuddling, talking, dancing. But the one she was playing was only from yesterday, A troupe dancing. I smiled, listening to the video.
"Guys, get in your starting positions, I want to take this for Riley." I called to them. Their chatter stopped, and they all got in their starting position for this fun little dance they'd randomly started working on. A Side came on, and everyone started dancing their parts. The dance only lasted about a minute and a half, but it was fun for the team. They finished the dance, laughing, before the video was cut off.
Riley smiled slightly at the video, still staying mute. I pulled up outside the hospital, glancing over at her. "We're here." I said gently. She looked up, spotting the familiar tall buildings and large hospital. It was right around the corner from the studio, and the apartment we shared not long ago, so Riley was knew the area relatively well. I was happy about her knowing the area, it should give her some comfort. I smiled at her softly, before undoing my seatbelt.


Riley stared at her hands as I entered the room. It was the first time I'd seen her since we got here a few hours ago. She now sat on a hospital bed, in a hospital gown, her head down. She had cleaned herself up, hair and body washed, tangles brushed out of her hair, the few cuts on her body disinfected and stitched or bandaged. There was one long cut going across her thigh that had to have at least 50 stitches put in, but the doctor had told me there would still be a scar. Riley now had a permanent memory of the awful things that happened to her this past week. She could try to push the memories out of her mind, but she would always have the scar to remind her. I walked over to Riley, her head lifting as she heard me walking. I sat beside her, keeping a few inches between us. Riley met my eyes, before leaning in and connecting our lips. I hadn't kissed her in so long. It felt so right. Despite everything that's happened, her kisses haven't changed. She's still the most amazing kisser I've ever been with. I felt something wet hit my cheek, and pulled away to see tears rolling down Riley's face. She opened her eyes, making eye contact as she cried silently. She still hasn't spoken, barely even made a noise. The only person she seems to trust even a small amount right now is me. When I had to leave her while she got stitched up, she freaked out, I almost had to go in the operating room. Luckily though, I had managed to calm her down, and convince her she would be fine, and she reluctantly went with the Doctor. "Don't cry. You're fine baby, nothing can happen to you now. I won't let anything happen to you now." I whispered, rubbing my thumb over her cheek, wiping away a few tears. "There's some people waiting to come see you. Is there anyone you want to see? Emily, Michelle, your mom, da-" I started to tell her, quickly getting cut off.
"Piper." She said, her eyes wide. She had seemed to be cautious and make sure she was silent before, but this time she couldn't help it, the word seemed to slip out of her mouth before she could even think about staying silent. I nodded, not sure about her choice. Emily and her parents will probably be a little hurt, but I'm not going to argue with her. I left her side, walking out of her room, and down the hall. I turned the corner, entering the waiting room, where a lot of people I know, including Emily, Riley's parents, Piper and Michelle, were waiting anxiously. The doctor had suggested only a few people see Riley at a time, and that we start with the people she wants, the ones she seems to trust most, that's why I was allowed in and her parents weren't. It's not that Riley doesn't trust her parents, it just seems like she trusts me more right now. I'm hoping everyone understands why Riley has only asked to see Piper so far, Piper was there, Riley gave herself up to save Piper, it's obvious she wants to make sure Piper's okay. Emily looked up from her magazine, spotting me, and instantly went all 'over-protective big sister' mode.
"Where's Riley?! Is she okay?! Is she talking yet?! Can I go see her?!" She rambled, everyone else noticing my presence from Emily's sudden outburst.
"She's fine, she's in a room, she's said 1 word, but I came to get Piper." I explained the situation to everyone. I saw Emily's face drop, before she quickly hid it, everyone looking back at Piper, who looked puzzled.
"Me?" She asked. I nodded.
"Riley specifically asked to see you." I stated. She slowly stood, and followed me through the hospital, until I stopped outside the door of the room currently occupied by Riley. I opened it softly. Riley had changed positions, and now lay on her side, her back facing the door. She lay over top of the blankets, and her hospital gown had risen up her legs far enough that the long cut was visible. I saw Piper wince at the site of the many stitches, but she slept walked in. I stood by Riley's side again, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "Riley, Piper's here." I told her softly. She turned her head slightly, spotting myself and Piper. To my surprise, a small smile grew on her face. I haven't seen her smile once. Riley sat up, making eye contact with Piper, who looked very unsure. To surprise me even more, Riley spoke to Piper, as if everything was fine.
"Hey. Come here." She smiled. Like the old Riley. The old Riley hadn't shown itself once to me, but as soon as Piper entered, it was all that Riley again. The better Riley. I could tell what was happening. Riley had, possibly involuntarily, put up a protective front, to convince Piper she's fine, even though she's no where near fine. I saw Piper hesitate, looking over to me for direction.
"It's okay. It's just Riley." I whispered to her, quiet enough that Riley couldn't hear. Piper nodded, walking towards Riley, causing her to smile bigger. Riley patted the bed beside her, motioning for Piper to sit. She did, looking at Riley, concern written all over her face.
"I told you I'd be okay, you didn't have to worry at all." Riley said, tucking a strand of hair behind Piper's ear. Piper turned to shoot me a confused look, obviously puzzled because I had said Riley was pretty much not speaking at all, and here Riley was, having a full blown conversation with Piper. As soon as Piper's gone though, I bet it'll go back to almost nothing. When Piper turned back to Riley, her face fell to the cut, which was still visible despite the change in position Riley had made.
"How'd you get that? What happened?" Piper asked softly, unable to look away from it. It was obvious the cut had been made with a knife, it was so deep. There's no way it could've been accidental. Riley looked down, following Piper's gaze, biting her lip.
"Don't worry about that, I'm fine. It was just a small problem I ran into." Riley replied, obviously lying, lifting Piper's head in order to remove her gaze from the cut. "Are you okay? I'm in a hospital, so it's obvious you ended up telling someone." She continued. To be honest, I felt jealous. When Piper's here Riley seems perfectly normal, and she can talk and seems happy, even if it is fake and she's just trying to hide the truth from Piper, but when it's just me or anyone else, she's distant and upset. I know she trusts me more because she actually is showing what she feels, but it feels like it doesn't, and I wish she showed be much she trusted me by telling me what happened.
"I'm fine. I'm seeing a therapist, but I'm fine." Piper answered Riley. She smiled in response, wrapping her arms around Piper in a hug. I looked at my phone, realizing Piper had been here for 30 minutes. Riley's family should probably come see her.
"Ri, how about we let Piper go tell everyone about how good you're doing while your family comes to see you." I suggested, both of them looking up and over at me. Piper looked slightly upset, but I could tell she knew she had to let Riley's family see her, so she looked okay with it. Riley, on the other hand, looked unhappy, she looked shocked I was telling her times up with Piper. But she can't spend all her time with Piper, other people want to see her too. I knew Riley partially didn't want Piper to leave, because as soon as she leaves, the positivity leaves her. Even if it's fake positivity her brain is forcing her to have for Piper's sake, she doesn't want it to go. Piper nodded.
"Good idea." She said to me, moving to stand up. Riley looked between both of us, eyes wide, mouth partially open.
"I don't think that's a good idea." She argued, being stubborn.
"Riley, Emily and your parents want to see you too. It's unfair to not let them spend time with you, they've been worried sick. See them for a bit, then I'll come back." Piper explained to her. Riley looked over at me, looking for me to say something.
"I won't leave you. I'll stay with you while they're here." I reassured her. She took a moment, before nodding in agreement. Piper smiled, walking towards the door. I knew when I entered with Riley's family it would be completely different. She'll go back to the mute Riley. The new Riley. The broken Riley.

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