Safe and loved

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I haven't posted in a really long time but this idea came to me and I had to write it. Kind of a Halloween special. Not proof read as usual 😂 Hope you enjoy!
Xx tnsjiley4life

Riley's POV

I continued to move the pin around in the lock, until I finally heard it click and the window swing open. "Yes! Finally!" I exclaimed. They can't stop me now. I looked over the window ledge at the ground below. It's only two stories. Can't be that hard...... Right? Emily did this all the time as a teenager, surely I can do it at 21. "Just...... Don't look down." I told myself, lifting my gaze from the ground far below me. I walked over to where I had the pile of bedsheets knotted together to form one long sheet. There was a trellis outside my window but the sheet contraction was a good reassurance. I lifted the pile, bringing it to the window, before tying one end to a table. I'm sure the table will be strong enough. I don't weigh that much. I dropped the other end of the sheet out the window, watching it unravel until it hit the ground, hanging readily for me. "Here we go." I grasped the sheet, hoisting one leg out the window. I was perched on the windowsill, about ready to swing myself out the window completely, when I heard a voice.
"What are you doing?" I froze, eyes wide. Shit! I turned my head, seeing Cole leaning against the doorframe. "While I think this is rather amusing, I think I better get you back inside before you hurt yourself." Cole said, wandering over to where I was, half out the window. I'd been so close. He placed his hands on my hips, pulling me back into the room, and on my feet. "I better find a better window lock." He sighed, looking at the open window, before spotting the bobby pin. "Or take away any pin in your possession." He added, pulling the pin out of the lock. He then closed the window, pulling a key from his pocket and locking it again.
"I just wanted so fresh air." I lied, causing Cole to chuckle.
"Sure you did. That's why you were half hanging out the window, nearly killing yourself." He responded.
"I will find a way out of here. You can't keep me here forever." I told him.
"You know what we want from you. The sooner you give birth, the sooner we'll let you go. You're stressing yourself out too much with all this escaping none sense, it's keeping your body from going into labour." He explained. I exhaled, placing a protective hand over my bump.
"I will get out before this baby comes. I can promise you that." I spat angrily.
"Even if you do escape, where would you go? Your family doesn't want you, remember? The father doesn't want the child. Your friends will look down on you. May I remind you of how, after you met me, you came crying about not knowing what to do? What was it you said again?" Cole asked me.
"I remember what I said." I responded through gritted teeth.
"Yes, but I want to hear it again. I want to hear that you remember." He replied.
"I said, 'my family won't want me when I tell them I'm pregnant. My friends will disapprove and think I'm a whore. My boyfriend hates me because I cheated on him.'" I spoke, taking a breath. "I never told him about the baby. I didn't tell anyone." I whispered, hanging my head as tears started to spill down my cheeks. Cole pursed his lips.
"Sad story." He stated, no emotion behind his voice. "But if you don't start being more careful, this story will have an even sadder ending. Stop doing stupid things that will kill you both!" He warned, before he left, locking the door behind him.

Emily's POV

I sighed, looking around the office at all the stuff. I hadn't touched anything of Riley's. I think it was my way of holding on. Of believing she'd come back. But she's not. It's been 6 months. If she left on her own, she's not coming back. If she was abducted, I think it's safe to assume she's not alive. The police had told me this a month after she disappeared. They'd said that after a month you shouldn't expect someone to come home. But I still did. Every day I walked into the studio expecting to see my sister sitting at her desk. I think it's finally time for me to realize that that's not going to happen. I opened a box, lifting items off her desk and putting them inside. Knick knacks, a few pictures, usual desk decor. Once done the top of her desk, I opened a drawer, becoming saddened by the contents. On the top sat a picture frame, a photo of Riley and James inside. It was from the summer after Internationals, before Miss Kate gave the studio to Riley. They looked so happy and so in love in the photo. Now Riley's gone and James has a new girlfriend. They'll never get this back. I exhaled, wiping my eyes. Everything went to shit when Miss Kate gave Riley the studio. She wasn't ready, she was too young. I sometimes wonder how things could've turned out if Kate had kept the studio. "Emily?" A voice asked. I quickly wiped my tears, sniffling. "What are you doing?" Michelle asked, walking into the office we both now shared. She sighed, seeing the box of Riley's things, along with the photo I was holding. "Are you sure you want to do this?" She questioned sadly. She'd been Riley's best friend, this had hit her hard too. I nodded.
"It needs to be done. I need to finish up in here so I can move onto her apartment and then her car." I listed off, thinking of all the things I had to organize.
"Her apartment? Her car? Are you sure it's not too soon?" Michelle asked me, shocked by the idea.
"I can't keep paying her rent!" I exclaimed. "I can't afford it anymore. I'm already in debt because of this studio. She kept her stuff nice, I should get some good money on her car." I said. Michelle sighed, not looking too keen on the idea of selling Riley's stuff, but she didn't object. She's not paying for any of it so it's not her call. "Now are you helping or not?!" I snapped at her.
"I'll help." She responded quietly. She kneeled on the ground and opened a drawer on the other side, starting to go through its contents. As she riffled through, organizing things in piles of trash, keep, donate and sell, she stopped, staring at a piece of paper in her hands.
"What is that?" I asked, confused as to why a piece of paper mattered so much. Michelle shakily stood, slowly turning the paper around so I could see what was on it. My eyes widened and my hands flew up to cover my gaping mouth. "Oh my god." I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat and shakily grabbing the paper. I continued to stare at the picture, absolutely shocked. "She was pregnant."

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