4.) Nightmares, kisses, and parties

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(Imagine Imani and Mateo in this picture😭😍)

3:00 AM

February 17th, 2012:

I stayed a few minutes after the bell to finish the last bit of my homework. My dad always says to finish my homework with whatever time I have so we can spend some time together!

Once I finished I walked out of my classroom and said goodbye to my friends for the weekend.

"Hey Imani!" I turned around to see one of my friends named Isabel.

"Hey Isabel!" I said happily.

"Do you want to walk home together, we can come to my house and watch a movie if you want?" She asked.

I thought about it and had to decline the offer.

"I'd love to but my dad is home and I want to spend some time with him. Maybe another day though!"I said.

"Awh, okay that's fine!" She said.

I smiled at her and dialed my dads phone to come and pick me up. The phone rang and rang and it just went straight to voicemail. That's weird, he usually answers his phone right after school is over. I'll just walk home, no biggie.

"Actually, my dad isn't answering so yeah we can walk together!" I said.

We made the 15 minute walk to my house with Isabel. We parted ways and I walked up to my front porch. I digged through my backpack to find my house key and I unlocked the door and went inside.

"Baba I'm home!" I yelled so that he could hear me.


"Baba?" I asked a little louder.

Still no word.

"If you're trying to scare me it's not going to work!" I giggled and ran up the stairs.

I knocked on my parents bedroom door. I jiggled the doorknob and it wasn't locked. I opened the door and I saw my dad sleeping.

"Baba I'm here wake up!" I said.

He still wasn't responding. I was getting scared.

I slowly crept onto the other side of the bed only to see his eyes wide open and foam out of his mouth.

"BABA! BABA WAKE UP!" I screamed while shaking his body roughly. He still wasn't responding to me!

I heard something drop out on the floor and I saw a syringe with a brown liquid in it and powder on his palms. It was heroine and crack, I remember learning this in health class.

"Baba WHY would you do this to me?!" I shouted at his lifeless body as I balled his shirt and cried on him.

"Baba PLEASE wake up!" I shouted under while crying.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked calmly.


"Okay little girl what's you're address sweetheart?" The lady asked staying calm.

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