the cemetery

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I'm (f/n) (l/n) I'm 22 years old.. I once had a wonderful life before it was taken away from own parents taken from me..... When I was just about 11 years night I was just about ready to go to sleep until I heard someone mother screaming and I could hear my father fighting until it went dead silence...I hid away until they left... Ever since then I grew up in a very bad state of depression and suicide... I had no purpose of being here anymore... I miss my mom giving me kisses before I went to sleep I miss my dad playing games with me....

Present time

-your p.o.v-

*I walked down the cemetery quietly holding roses in my hands when I came upon my parents graves I laid the roses down I couldn't help but cry so much* m-mommy!! Daddy!!! Aghhhhh!!!!!! *I made a fist knowing that I couldn't do not a damn thing about it* i-i can't handle this anymore..I'm on the line of dying... I am scared of everything now...why ...why did they take you and not me....

-an hour after the cemetery-

*I walked alone having my hands in my pockets heading to my house as my coil started to ring* oh...koujaku... *I answered it putting on a fake smile* hey koujaku! What's up?

Koujaku - "hey (y/n)! Haven't spoken to you since last year how are you kiddo?

"I'm fine thanks for asking koujaku" *I lied not wanting him to know the truth about what's going on*

Koujaku - "cool cool hey are you busy today?" *he asked out of the blue*

"Who? Me? No same old same old" *I really didn't want no one to come see me in this state I was in*

Koujaku - "well mind if I come over and we can catch up"

"Yea sure I'll send you my address now" *what the fuck was I thinking...agh this is what I get for being stupid but whatever I sent koujaku my address link and ended the call sighing deeply as I walked inside my house* fuck me.... *I started to clean up and took a shower starting up the hot water taking off my clothes looking at the fresh and old cuts on my wrist as I took a shower I cried again*

-hour later-


*I got up answering the door being sure I was fully covered and putted on a fake smile again* hey koujaku! !

//end of dis .3. Swrrrrryyy but I hoped you enjoyed this so far ^-^

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