a friendly date

783 24 7

-a year after the bar incident-

*well here I was hanging out with the rest of the guys and of course I didn't do nothing but just sit there and just think until someone broke my thought*

Clear : "(f/n)! (F/n)! Let's play a game with the others!" *He kept getting into my face until I had responded*

"Fine clear...Just one game.i gotta go home...And deal with some stuff"

Clear : "we shall play truth or dare" *he spoke and everyone jumped and he started to get nervous* "d-did I say something w-wrong?"

Koujaku "no clear you didn't we just didn't expect you to say that."

Aoba "where did you learn that from clear? " 

"hah... man that old game? here i have a better idea ... strip poker" * a little smile formed on the corner of my lip forgetting about the scars i had all over me* 

noiz "i agree with (f/n) and to make it better who ever looses has to be the winners slave~ which i wonder what you would do (f/n)~ *he grinned at me* 

"ah whatever noiz" *i laughed while pulling out some cards from my pocket while i felt a hand rest on mine as i looked up it was aoba* 

"(f/n) lets have a walk together just us two only"  *aoba said loud enough for the others to hear* 

"uh... ok?" 

aoba's p.o.v 

*we walked together to mizuki's bar hoping the same incident wouldnt happen again as we walked inside i felt a huge wave of sadness take over me as i turned around to see (f/n) looking at the ground i stopped him before he could walk anymore* "(f/n) why so gloomy?" 

*"(f/n) why so glomy?" that thought kept going through my mind nonstop forgetting aoba was staring at me wanting a answer, i looked at him forcing myself to make a smile* "nothing aoba-san just thinking about something thats all no worries " 

"you sure?" *i had a look of concern while holding the door open for him letting him walk inside* 

"thanks a-aoba-san... " *(f/n) spoke trying to keep it cool while he began to blush* 

//NOW A CLIFFHANGER!! what will happen next? 

aoba seragaki x suicidal male reader !Where stories live. Discover now