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The twins were finally at my house which was a HUGE mansion, I didn't know why we had it, I mean it's only me and Dad.

I look at the twins who are getting comfy in our garage that is tall enough for them both to sit down. Sideswipe hasn't set me down ever since we got here he still has me clutched to his chest. Which I think is sweet of him he's probably scared out of his mind, I glare at a man when he points his gun at Sideswipe, while SunStreaker growled dangerously, he wasn't going to let that man hurt Sides and neither would I.

I would definitely go Mikaela crazy on them if they hurt one of the twins.

I spot a man looking at me with disgust, if I had a rock or something I would bust that mans head in just for looking at me and the twins.

I wasn't going to take this crap anymore, I made well practically ordered a man to go get me a pen and paper along with something to write on. Once I have the supplies I ask for I start writing down an escape plan for tonight or tomorrow, I showed Sideswipe my drawling his eyes went over it before he and SunStreaker nodded slightly, "I'm so glad you like my picture!" I say smiling.

The man leaves for his break, "So tomorrow or tonight?" I ask them, Sideswipe mouthes 'Tonight' "Tonight?" I whisper loud enough for them to hear they both nod, "Oh okay! Hey I know this is pretty weird of me to ask but.....here goes nothing...can I go with you?" I ask softly and hopefully.

They both look at me uneasily, "It's alright to say no-" I say but Sideswipe puts his warm metal pinky on my lips gently hushing me. He only nods, "Really?" I ask when he removes his finger, Sideswipe and SunStreaker both nod, "Oh my goodness! Thank you! Thank you!" I say happily with a smile playing on my lips.

Sideswipe's eyes are wide with amusement while I jump and dance around, "Oh my gosh! Thank you! I promise you won't regret this!" I squeal happily then run off, "I'll be right back!"

Sideswipe's POV

::I already regret this!::. Sunny grunts.

::Don't worry Sunny! She said we wouldn't regret this!::. I chirp, his annoyance and regret come through our bond making me snicker mentally.

Then Mikaela comes back with a book bag hanging on to her shoulders, I couldn't help that my optics traveled her small Fleshie frame, she was a beauty, she's grown a lot since the last time I saw her. "You alright Sideswipe?" She questions snapping me out of my daze, I nod silently, she smiles showing her, what humans call, teeth, they were white, bright and shiny.

"We'll probably leave at 10 tonight," She says with a smile, "I'm going to put sleeping medicine in their food so don't worry," me and Sunny look at her like she was crazy.

Mikaela giggles probably at our expressions.

That Night

Mikaela's POV

This is gonna be good!

I smile while all the men fall asleep slowly, they all ate their food like expected, I walk out to the garage where the twins are, "Ready?" I ask, Sideswipe nods and SunStreaker grunts. I nod my head in agreement when Sideswipe gives me a questioning look, then I hear the sirens wail, "We better leave!" I yelp hearing the men come our way, I feel a hand wrap around me and I'm cupped to a chest protectively, "Sideswipe!" I yelp when Sideswipe and SunStreaker both transformed into LAMBORGHINIS?!

Oh. My. God! Dad would never let me get a Lambo he always made me get Volkswagen beetles which I never did! Those cars my friends are ugly!

Sideswipe hits the gas and peels out of the garage, I squeak when shots are fire at us, "Oh my gosh!" I say clutching to the passenger seat hugging it for dear life, I feel my adrenaline pumping through my veins and my heart races with fear and excitement, I felt like screaming out in excitement I hear a growl come through the radio when I hear a bullet hit the car, "YOU ASSHOLES!" I curse out the window, I felt a hand grab my hips and pulled me back in the car, I turn and see the hottest man I have ever saw.

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