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As Dan lays on his bed questioning the meaning of life and why he exists in this cruel world, Phil sets up his new camera and hits record.

"Hi, I'm Phil, and welcome to my video blog, which I hope you're very excited to be a part of." Phil exclaimed looking into the lens of the Black and white camera sat in front of his face.

Dan on the other hand, was still face down on his bed with the thought of loneliness echoing through his mind. Was he really going to be alone forever?

As Phil turned off his camera and loaded the file onto his computer, he logged onto his Youtube account, AmazingPhil, and clicked post. He sat back in his chair and began to worry about what people would say, he had never done anything like what he was doing right now.

Daniel sat up after a few minutes and got on his computer and opened up a familiar site he knew all to well, Youtube. It was his only escape from the world the was pinned against him. A recently uploaded video from a new user he had never seen before, popped up on his screen. The title was dull and seemed boring however, he decided to click it. It read, 'Phil's video blog - 27th March 2006'. As the video began, he for some reason payed more attention to the boy on the other side of the screen and the way his voice was confident and full of hope, rather than what he was saying.

Phil looked back at the computer screen to see his newly posted video had one view. Right then he realized how petrifying it is to not know who is on the other side of the screen watching what you create.

"Dan, dinner time!" Dan's mum called from the kitchen.

He turned off his pc and rushed to his mother due to how starving he was. His mind was full of this new boy he had seen on his computer screen.

Phillip sighed and got up to lay on his bed. It's not easy being 19, especially when you have the feeling of worry echoing through your mind. He pushed the thought aside and closed his eyes, slipping into the silence that surrounded him, 'Tomorrow will be better.. I know it will.'

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